On any given Sunday, when believers walk into the sanctuary or click play to the church service on their phones- there are many with weary hearts. You may not experience the same heartaches as I do but nonetheless we all share bad experiences.

We can find out that one of our loved ones has died.

Maybe your close friend was injured in a car accident.

There could be a job loss, discouraging thoughts, low self-esteem and so many other ways that we can lose heart.

This doesn’t happen to some of us, it happens to all of us. There are times when we have to encourage ourselves in the Lord. But there are also times when we could use an extra dose of encouragement from our brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you are here because you want to build up another fellow believer in Christ you are in the right place. Each idea is easy to do and is exactly what we are all looking for when we are down in the slumps.

It is time to reach out and do your part as your brother or sister’s keeper because we all need encouragement from time to time.


20 ways to encourage other believers:


1. Call the person that God lays on your heart


While visiting my home island during college break, there was a friend that God constantly laid on my heart. Whenever the opportunity arrived for me to go and visit her, something always stood in the way.

I didn’t get a chance to visit with her while I was at home. And I have regretted it ever since because she died. It was with bitter tears that I promised God that I would always listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting.

Your situation may not be as dire as mine but when God lays someone on your heart- Call them and let them know that you are thinking of them.


2. Smile


You may never know how effective a smile can be to someone that is hurting. A smile can bring cheer to someone that needs it. A smile is free; share it.

A smile to brighten someone's day.

3. Remain steadfast in your faith


Every time we find out that a “celebrity” Christian has committed a devastating public sin so many of us can be disheartened and lose hope.

We will never know who we are encouraging when we remain steadfast with our eyes fixed on Jesus. We are not serving man but we can say as Paul did. Follow me as I follow Christ.


4. Be honest


One aspect of your Christian duty involves being your brother’s keeper. This means telling the truth to their face. It requires that you refrain from gossiping even if it is the truth.

A true friend tells you the truth even if it will hurt. They will help you through anything and be completely honest with you.


5. Let them know that you are praying.


What an encouragement it is to know that my sister is keeping me in her prayers. When a burden is heavy, extra hands lighten the load. Just send a simple text message and let someone know that you are praying for them.

6. Be a Volunteer


You can offer a helping hand to a ministry or friend that needs it. When you sign up to help you are encouraging the leader. Volunteering your service lets them know you are fully supporting their purpose.

20 ways to encourage believers

7. Share a scripture


Did you come across a scripture in your daily devotions that can encourage your sister? Send a text message sharing the verse with a short word of encouragement. Send her a blog post or article with 10 verses of comfort.

She will know that you are thinking of her. The Bible has help for everything we struggle with.


8. Be an active churchgoer


Whenever you are faithful to church you are being an encouragement to your pastor and the entire congregation. Did you know that your pastor or deacons can become weary?

Sometimes knowing that nothing will keep Mary from fellowshipping with other saints is all the motivation they need. You never know who is watching.


9. Meet a need if you can


You know that your sister lost her job and now she is praying that God will provide the money she needs for rent. Are you able to meet her need?

Maybe it is something like buying groceries or offering to fill her car’s gas tank. If you have the means to meet a fellow believer’s need do so. At some time in the present or future, what they are facing can happen to you.


10. Say thank you to those that encouraged you


It is important to show your gratitude to those who make sure they express thanks to you. It lets them know that you care that they care.


11. Give a genuine compliment


I have received so many underhanded compliments in my time. If I never hear one again I would be just fine. When giving a compliment to someone be genuine.

Don’t say it as a joke, don’t laugh it off and do not make them ask you to repeat. Loudly, give a compliment that is both genuine and honest.


12. Show love correctly


Once you love yourself and can treat yourself correctly, you can love others well. Until you can be honest with who you are and accept God’s correction you can’t correctly love others.

Love seeks the betterment of others. It is not self-pleasing. There are so many ways that you can love your sisters in the Lord.

You can share a hug or show concern, but be vigilant in the way that you express love. Many things can be taken out of proportion so, be vigilant.


13. Bless someone


I can’t tell you how many times my needs have been met by brothers and sisters in the Lord. If God tells you to give to someone, simply shake their hands and leave a love gift (this is usually money) in their hands.

I have been blessed numerous times and I have also blessed others. It is more blessed to give than receive.

A handshake to bless someone

14. Share positive messages on social media


Social media is now one of the places we can go to and become instantly discouraged and depressed. When you share the word, an encouraging quote, words of inspiration, or a picture of yourself- you are encouraging others.

Don’t use these tools to belittle others, but share and be light.


15. Listen


As women, we know how important it is for us to feel listened to. When we have problems, sometimes we just want a listening ear. Someone who won’t judge us or interrupt but listen and show support.

You can be a listening ear while encouraging someone to keep on.


16. Share your testimony


Has God done something wonderful in your life? Share it. You can encourage the heart of others without even knowing that God is using you.

Be bold, be brave, be beautiful, and share what God has done.


17. Acknowledge and Commend


There are times when name-calling can be bad. Then, there are times when you want to encourage those who have helped you along.

Those individuals that thrive in the background, they should be commended for the work that they do. Acknowledge them and commend them for their faithful service to God. It will encourage them to continue.


18. Be optimistic


Have you ever made a mistake? Ever asked someone to forgive you for something that you did? Optimism is important if we want to give our sisters the benefit of the doubt. Knowing that God will always forgive as long as we come to him in repentance should encourage us to do so as well.

Don’t be quick to condemn when you don’t know the truth. Be optimistic and give the benefit of the doubt. This will encourage your sister to repent and show that you care.


19.  Be wise and tactful in what you say


We should be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. It is very important to be observant and get to know your sisters in Christ. Some people have soft dispositions while others are hard.

Be careful what and how you speak to an erring sister because it could be the difference between her repentance or hardening her heart.

Some of us only need to hear the words, “I’m disappointed” while others need full discipline. Seek to encourage and not tear down by being wise and tactful in what you say.


20. Be hospitable


A dear motherly friend of mine took it upon herself to give a gift to everyone that celebrates a birthday. Every Sunday she comes prepared to give a gift and a hug to anyone that celebrates a birthday.

You don’t have to do the same thing but there are many ways you can encourage someone by being hospitable.

Want to learn more about hospitality? Sign up for 5 devotionals in your inbox.

I love you with the love of Christ.

Keneesha 🙂


20 ways to encourage believers





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