In my previous posts, we talked a lot about the importance of self-examination and I gave 5 reasons you should examine yourself. I would like to bring to your attention 4 ideas to remember when you self examine.

This is a serious part of your Christian walk that ensures that your fellowship is intact with your God. It should not lead to depression and it should not lead to self-righteousness. This is why these 4 ideas are a critical part of ensuring that this process is done right.

It is important for me to add that you can not lose your salvation when you examine yourself. Once God has saved you, you are saved for time and eternity. This simply means that you have security here on earth and in heaven when you die.

The day you accepted Jesus as your Savior is the day that you were sealed with the Holy Spirit.

There is absolutely nothing that you can do to be plucked from your secure position in Christ. Self-examination actually brings assurance to the believer because it shows you that you have a relationship with God.

If you did not, there would be no need to examine yourself. The Holy Spirit won’t convict your heart or alert you to the sin that is permeating your life. God will only convict those that are His. So, if you feel your heartstrings tugging and you hear a gentle whisper to confess, forsake and repent you do belong to God.


You should conduct self-examination with a diligent search.


There are many sins that we commit openly. For example, some may become pregnant before marriage, others commit adultery, some may be constant liars, and others may have a loose tongue.

These open sins are easier when seeking God’s forgiveness because they are open to the public. I will know if Mary has truly changed when she stops gossiping and backbiting.

But what about the sins that no one can see? What about the sins of the heart?

We sin in word, thought, and deeds.

When you are examining yourself, this is the time that you look within. Look into the space that only you and God know about.

There is no intimacy like the one that a husband and wife share but God knows us better. He wants you to search diligently for anything that is a barrier to his fellowship with you.

Psalms 77:6- Asaph was waiting on God’s answer while he diligently searched his spirit. Not only can you diligently search your heart to examine yourself, but you can also search your heart to remember good times during depressed and sad situations.

Lamentations 3:40- Jeremiah searched his life and he admonished the Israelites to search their hearts as well. He did this for one purpose only, to turn back to God.

And this is the goal when it comes to self-examination; it is so we can turn back to God. God doesn’t move away from us when we sin; we do.


4 ideas to remember when you self-examine

Examine yourself with Holy awe


You are a holy nation and God has called you to holiness. We stand before God who is Holy. This is not just a title that he carries, it is the essence of who he is.

God turned his back on his only son, Jesus when he took on himself the sins of the world. Why would he continue to fellowship with you if you refuse to repent?

Go to God in reverence and holy fear, acknowledging and recognizing who he is. He is the God of very God; he is God alone and none other can claim his throne.

You may have messed up but Jesus is there as your advocate waiting for you to ask for mercy. Confess your sin, ask for his mercy but do it all with holy awe.

There are two areas that you should diligently search as you approach God with holy awe:

Your public life


In your public life, what’s creating distance between you and your God?

There is no one without sin. If we were standing ready to stone someone and Jesus were to join us and say, “If you are without sin, cast the first stone.” None of us can.

There is public sin that we commit; these need to be taken to the Lord. Sins such as:

  • Lying
  • Getting drunk
  • Swearing
  • Blasphemy
  • Using God’s name in vain
  • Adultery and other public sexual sins

Not only are these against God but they can discourage other believers from keeping the faith and unbelievers from becoming Christians.

We have to stand before God one day. Although our works will not get us into heaven, they do determine whether we are true believers or pretending. It is by your fruit/ the works that you do that others can tell whether you are fake or real. And God looks at your works too.


Your private life


You sin in word, thought, and deed. The hardest sin to recognize and confess can be the one hidden from everyone else but God.

What sins do we commit in private that no one else is aware of?

Sins such as:

  • Not reading God’s word
  • Refusing to have a prayer life
  • Unforgiveness
  • Envy
  • Hatred
  • Not fearing God

These are some of the sins that we commit privately, sins that we know hinder our relationship, and fellowship with God. You know how it feels.

Sometimes your prayers are bouncing back to you and you feel that God has forsaken you but the onus is on you.

Is your heart broken?

Have you cried over the condition that you are in?

Are you trying to reconnect on your own merit?

Maybe your broken about your condition, maybe your bitterness stems from your frustration with the way things are.

Now is the time. It is time to restore your broken connection. The only way you can do that, is to turn it ALL over to God. Give up the control. Tell him where you have failed and the error of your ways. It is time to turn back to God.

Keep calling, keep asking for forgiveness, let go and let God because he will take it from here.

1 Corinthians 15:10- But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.

Let Christ fix what is broken inside you by his grace.

If you are ready to turn it all around read this post and get a poem to encourage your heart.

Thanks for stopping by. I love you with the love of Christ.

Keneesha 🙂

ideas to remember when you self-examine

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