There are things Christians understand that non-Christians don’t. As believers in Christ, we are a part of this world just like everyone else, but we have insight into spiritual things. Many things puzzle the unbelieving woman or man and confuse them when it comes to Christians.

I recall one time a classmate asked me If I should be wearing makeup as a Christian…to which my response was silence.

Girl, I was literally rendered speechless because I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how wearing makeup would take away my Christianity.

Later on, when I thought about it, I realized that there are so many religions with so many different rules that unbelievers themselves are confused. So, I gave my classmates the benefit of the doubt because they really didn’t know what to expect from a believer in Christ.

Here are 4 things Christians understand that only a truly born-again believer in Jesus Christ would get. If you try to explain these four things to an unbeliever, they really won’t get it. Ready? Let’s dive in.


4 things only a born-again believer would understand.


1. Christians understand: Turning the other cheek


not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.


Anyone who thinks to turn the other cheek is easy needs therapy… 🙂 but honestly, it’s tough to do. This isn’t easy at all. However, we have a great example of what is required of us through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Whenever someone does something to us that makes us want to curl up our fist and return evil for evil, we can remember how they spat in Jesus’ face, how they pluck his beard from his chin, how they murdered him, and yet he said: “forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Although it may not be easy, it’s totally doable. Let’s start putting it to practice and causing unbelievers to look at us strangely. I really can’t think of a better conversation starter to introduce someone to Jesus.


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2. Going to church more than 3 times a week


not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.


When the unsaved man goes to the club more than 3 times a week, they expect us to understand that it’s for fun, to meet someone special, or to hang out with friends. However, when they find out that we attend church more than 3 times a week, they are left baffled and start to believe that we are super spiritual.

This happens a lot when they have other Christian friends who probably only go to church once a week or more like twice a month.

Most importantly, Christians know the purpose of attending church regularly. God asks us to, and the fellowship is sweet. We know that we are preparing for eternity.

On the other hand, what unbelievers don’t realize is we can go to church for the same reasons they go to the club and get way better results.


3. Not participating in or attending worldly events


All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.

1 Cor. 10:23

This one yawl, this one really baffles them.

So, you can’t attend my party at the nightclub?

Why can’t you go to bacchanal?

Don’t you want a rum punch?

Girl, you have to move in with him before marriage to make sure you could live with him.

They would go as far as to tell you that the Christian life must be boring because as far as they can see, you can’t have any fun. (If they only knew)

In short, what they don’t get is, you can do all of those things because you have liberty in Christ. It’s just that you choose not to. You know that to be an effective witness to them is to sacrifice. Earthly pleasures can’t compare to what we know is coming.

As believers in Christ, everything that we do is to bring glory to God. Our time of sacrifice is limited because we have a blessed hope in Jesus and what we’ll experience in eternity.

Pleasure lasts but for a moment.

4 things only the born-again believer would understand


4. This world is not my home


Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul,

1 Peter.2:11

You should try this sometime: the next time someone asks you where you’re from, tell them the world is not your home; you’re just passing through. Come back and tell me what they say.

I’m pretty sure if that person isn’t a Christian, they will look at you like you have two heads. There will be the occasional unbeliever who knows some of what the Bible teaches that can recognize some of the jargon, who may look at you and say, “Oh, you’re a Christian, right?”

Peter gives a great description of the Christian’s journey on earth. He labels us as “aliens.” This same word is also used in the Old Testament, with every human on earth referenced as “sojourners.”

Unbelievers don’t understand that there is life after earth. A life that won’t just last for a time but eternity. They don’t realize that they have to use this life to prepare for the next chapter.

But you and I know this is why we sacrifice and live our life with purpose, awaiting the blessed hope that Jesus has promised.



What should I do now?


We know all of the things Christians understand mentioned above are true and that there are many more that the world will not understand. If there was any part of this that convicted you, make it right with Jesus.

If you’re an unbeliever, you may not understand everything that was mentioned. Find a bible and read the scriptures used above. I pray that the Holy Spirit would convict your heart so you see your need for Jesus and start preparing for eternity.

If you liked this post and felt convicted read trusting God when you don’t feel his presence.

Curious to know other things that the unbeliever doesn’t understand about Christians? Check out this article.

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I love you with the love of Christ. Join me as I seek to love everyone God’s way.


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