We’ve come to the end of our unconventional Christmas journey on the 4 women who brought us the Savior: (Bathsheba), the four women who gave us hope for our future by passing down the lineage of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba.

These women were real, they were misunderstood and they were just like you and me.

When you think of Christmas you probably think of Mary, the mother of Jesus, her profound faith and calling. But today let’s look back in the Old Testament at the women who God used to bring Jesus into the world.

As you look into their lives through the words of the Bible, I pray that you will be restored and renewed to persevere in your faith.

Women are needed in the ministry just as much as men. These women proved that God will use anyone to carry out his mission as long as they are available to him.




As we continue in our series on 4 women who brought us the Savior, let’s look at the life of Bathsheba.

This virtuous woman tempted David because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. David was supposed to be at war but he decided to relax a little.

However, the devil always finds work for idle hands to do. David found himself on his rooftop and saw Bathsheba taking a bath and wanted her.

Apparently, it wasn’t only lust that he felt for her, he seemingly loved her as well or he was bewitched (captivated) by her.

After he inquired about who she was, he had a decision to make, she came from a family of military and god-fearing men, and her husband, Uriah was one too.

These were men that were David’s bodyguards and he knew exactly who she was. David must have known Bathsheba as well since he was so closely connected to her family.

Even though he knew all of this and he had plenty wives of his own, he sent for her; she went to him and they consummated the union.

Do you think that she was forced or she went willingly? Do you think she knew that David was watching and put on a show for him?

Honestly, we don’t know, we can only speculate but what we do know is the bible says, she went. Further down in the story, David, was the only one asked to repent, not Bathsheba.


4 women that brought us the Savior: Bathsheba

Sorrowful times


When Bathsheba and David had sexual relations a child was conceived out of the union. She quickly sent word to the King and he tried to cover his sin by bringing her husband home.

Uriah, however, didn’t want to have sexual relations with his wife while his army was fighting the war and stayed at the palace to protect the King. David tried his best to get him to go and see his wife but he refused.

David being backed into a corner, felt like he had no other choice but to kill Uriah and arranged to do just that.

When Uriah went back into the battle, he was tasked with fighting in a very dangerous area, and everyone back away while he valiantly fought. He was then killed.

God was very displeased with David and their child died. However, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.

He married Bathsheba after she mourned her husband and they had another child whose name was Solomon. God loved him and he passed on the line of the Messiah through him.


How God used Bathsheba


Bathsheba wasn’t required to repent because she was a pawn in the whole thing, however, God used her to be a mother to the wisest man the world received and teach him the ways of the Lord.

When all of David’s other children had forsaken God, Solomon remained true to his parent’s teachings and God.

Solomon’s oldest brother wanted the throne and took it even before David died. Bathsheba used her charm to persuade David to name Solomon king before he died and he did.

She became known as the Queen’s mother and had massive sway over what Solomon did and didn’t do. She ensured that David’s succession remained true and had Solomon’s oldest brother killed. (It would have been Solomon or him one couldn’t live while the other ruled.)

Out of the pain and heartache she suffered, God saw fit to use Bathsheba to be apart of Jesus’ earthly line. She didn’t know that at the time but she got to experience true joy watching her son, Solomon rule with wisdom and love.



Can you relate?


Can you identify with any of the 4 women that brought us the Savior: Bathsheba? Ruth? Rahab? Tamar?

The path that God has chosen for you to walk may be rough and hard. You may never even get a glimpse of the reasons behind it in this life.

This is where faith plays an important role. All of these ladies walked difficult, sorrowful paths but God was with them and injustice was met with some justice while they were alive.

It doesn’t stop there though because one day God will defeat Satan once and for all. All things will be wiped away and all shall be made new.

This present suffering that you’re experiencing can’t be compared to the joy that’s coming.

What is your faith barometer today? Do you complain through trials and demand to know where God is or do you persevere and trust his plan?

God’s plans for our life maybe be confusing and laced with heartache and pain. He is faithful and he has promised to never leave or forsake you. He will be with you until the end.


4 women who brought the Savior: Bathsheba

Prayer for Today:


Heavenly Father,

I’m so thankful for the plan and process you have for me. I want to be your vessel and trust every leg of the journey. Give me extra grace that I will not question your judgments but believe that you have my best interest at heart. I want the strength of Bathsheba and to rejoice in the times that you will give me joy and weep during sorrow for you know what’s best, in Jesus’ name, Amen!


Scriptures for Today:


2 Samuel.11: 1- 12: 25

Matthew.1: 6

Thank you for stopping by and I hope this series has served as an encouragement to you. Have a Christ-filled merry Christmas as you reflect on the gift of the Savior sent to the earth 2000 years ago.

I love you with the love of Christ. Keneesha 🙂


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