We have begun an unconventional Christmas journey on the 4 women who brought us the Savior. These four women gave us hope for our future by passing down the lineage of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba.

These women were real, they were misunderstood, and they were just like you and me.

When you think of Christmas, you probably think of Mary, the mother of Jesus, her profound faith and calling. But today, let’s look back in the Old Testament at the women who God used to bring Jesus into the world.

As you look into their lives through the words of the Bible, I pray that you will be restored and renewed to persevere in your faith.

Women are needed in the ministry just as much as men. These women proved that God would use anyone to carry out his mission as long as they are available to him.




Today, we will look at another one of the 4 women who contributed to the Messiah’s line, namely Rahab. She is the only one of the four to have a book title in the Bible.

The story about the great walls of Jericho is probably one of your Sunday school favorites. But, you can’t think of the walls tumbling down without remembering the lady that made it all happen.

Rahab was a Canaanite who happened to recognize the need of the strangers that were about to be killed, and with quick thinking and courage, she decided that changed the rest of her life.

When I think of her, I can see someone that was hopefully longing for something but didn’t know exactly what she was searching for.

If you seek God with your whole heart, he will find you and answer all the questions that you have. That’s just the God that you serve.

Rahab probably wanted a different life, and not knowing God and being stuck where she was, she saw this defining moment as an opportunity and took it.

The spies that had snuck into Jericho had been compromised, and out of desperation, they turned to Rahab for help.

Can you see them looking at each other, each one wondering what the other is thinking?

Fear glowing in the eyes of the spies, and Rahab’s eyes probably glistened with joy because here was her shot at doing something different, at being on the winning side.

Have you ever been in a situation where you faced deathly circumstances if you proceeded with doing something, but you didn’t care?

4 women that brought the Savior: Rahab

Rahab’s plan


Rahab had to face this life and death situation with her entire family, yet she was bold and courageous.

Rahab knew the men were not from Jericho, but she allowed them to lodge at her inn. She could hide the spies on the roof of her home and cover for them when questioned by the guards.

Rahab’s attitude was of one who was ready to make a change in her life. She was a wise woman and made her decision to live.

The camp people had heard of all the great and awesome acts that God did on behalf of the Hebrews camp and how mighty their God was. She actually mentioned to the spies that she knew that the Lord would win.

She bargained on behalf of herself and her family and asked that they are rescued even if everyone else was killed.

She helped them escape by lowering them out of a window, and from that very window, a scarlet thread was hung so Joshua and the Hebrews would know where to rescue her and her family. Everyone living thing perished except Rahab and her household.


God keeps his promises.


As she was a pagan woman, God could’ve disregarded her request, and yet this was a chance that Rahab was willing to take. However, God rewarded her bold courage and rescued her and her household.

God saw her, and he knew her heart, she found love and conceived and bore Boaz, who eventually married Ruth, and the messianic line was passed down.

Rahab was a pretty great mother to have raised Boaz to be a sensitive and God-faring man. He had probably heard the story of how God had rescued his mother and relatives over and over again.

God didn’t have to use Rahab in Jesus’ line, but he did. This goes to show that God can use anyone, whether you had a bad start or a good one.

God has use of you; will you avail yourself to him?

Rahab had to turn her back on people that she knew her whole life, and it didn’t matter to her because she was on the Lord’s side.




What can we learn from Rahab?


Rahab should encourage you to be bold, not to be afraid, and to be courageous.

You will have to make some sacrifices that may cause you to lose friends, family, or work, but God has already told us in his word: to be ready to forsake everything so that we can follow him.

Rahab claims that God would win, and when he does, she wanted to be on his side.

Her faith was surpassing for a Canaanite. How is your faith today? What are you willing to give up to be drawn closer to the Lord?

As we remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, adapt the bold courage that Rahab displayed, be an awesome mother who teaches her children about God, listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, or do what God is telling you to.

Rahab has the blessed honor of being a great, great grandmother to Jesus and being instrumental in being born.

God has a plan for you, too; he’s waiting for you to make room for him this Christmas. Let him lead you as he did with Rahab, and be obedient.


Prayer for Today

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for including so many women with awesome stories in your word. I want to be bold and courageous because your word says you haven’t given us the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind. As we celebrate this Christmas season, help us to love as you love. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Scripture for Today


Matthew.1: 5

Joshua.2: 1-7



This is the first in a series of 4 posts; lookout for the other lady that was apart of the line of Jesus. Check out my previous post on the first lady: Tamar.

Want to learn more check out Ruth and Bathsheba.

If you have anything in common with Rahab, let me know in the comments.

What are your plans for this Christmas season? Leave a comment letting me know how you celebrate this spectacular time of year.

Are you looking for a Bible Study method to dive deep into the Bible? My PRAYER Bible Study method can help.

My friends, like always, thank you so much for stopping by. I love you with the love of Christ. Have a Christ-filled merry Christmas.

Keneesha 🙂

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