I can’t tell you how often I have heard a preacher give the illustration of not checking a chair before they sit down. This is usually the most used example to define faith. I even used it in a post on faith over fear. You may or may not know the important facts about faith that I’m about to share but be encouraged.

The scripture gives us a clear-cut definition of the topic of faith in Hebrews 11:1. Hebrews also discuss in length the heroes of the faith.

These were men and women who believed God and trusted in his word without even seeing him. They did not know where they were going but as they obeyed, God kept rewarding their faith.

What I really love about these heroes is they were imperfect people, capable of making mistakes but God used them.

God doesn’t call the qualified ones that have no need of him, he qualifies the one that he calls.Click To Tweet

In the majority of the books of the Bible, faith is a current theme.

The Old Testament saints were mostly known for their faith because they never saw God. However, God was constantly with them, proving himself over and over in his provision and faithfulness.

But here are 5 important facts about Faith:


It doesn’t need to be big.


If we have faith as tiny as a mustard seed, we will be able to move mountains. Have you ever seen a mustard seed? It is one of the tiniest of seeds. When Jesus made this analogy, the disciples had just experienced an embarrassing moment in their ministry.

They tried to deliver someone from demon possession but somehow, they didn’t seem to have the power that Jesus possessed.
The disciples went right back to the Master and asked him why they couldn’t perform the miracle they had set out to do. Jesus’ response was that they didn’t have faith. Matthew 17:20

He wasn’t telling the disciples that their faith should be as big or as tiny as a mustard seed. Jesus wanted them to know that even a little bit of faith is powerful. Just imagine what they could accomplish if they had faith as huge as a rock.
Your faith doesn’t need to be big but it does need to be active. Do you truly believe it?

Do you enjoy suffering? His Encouragement #8

Faith will be rewarded


If I were to send you a letter telling you, to leave your home, your family, and everything that you know- go to the airport and buy a ticket for Antarctica, you would think that I am crazy.
You would be wondering who is this woman who has the guts to tell me where I should go without any explanation? Who does she think she is?
The Bible has many such instances. It is filled with instances of faith-filled heroes whose only guide was obedience.
But let’s look at Abraham. The opening scenario is exactly what happened in his life. God’s reward to Abraham came true when he already died. He wasn’t even alive to see how his faith was truly rewarded.

The God that we serve is so amazing, not only did Abraham reap benefits that he didn’t live to see but he was able to witness some of the rewards he was promised.

He got to see the birth of his promised son, Isaac even if he was in his old age. And God did make his descendants as numerous as the sand on the seashore and the stars in the sea. It is all evident in history today. Genesis 22:17
God will reward your faith. Don’t waver, don’t quit, and don’t give up, he will come through for you.


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1Click To Tweet


It is necessary for salvation.


To believe is essential to having faith. One of the key components in salvation is believing that Jesus is the son of God. Faith is necessary for salvation because we can not see God. Romans 10:17

I can tell you that I don’t believe in the wind but when I experience a hurricane (which I have) and my roof is blown away, I have no choice but to acknowledge its validity.

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6 It is also impossible to become a believer if you don’t go beyond the belief that God is real.

I started by talking about believing but faith goes a little deeper. When Jesus healed the mad man possessed with thousands of demons, they were afraid, thinking their time to be punished had arrived.

They knew of and believed that Jesus was God but it wasn’t enough for them to make the right decision and stay with God in heaven.
Faith goes beyond belief; it borders on trust. This trust is in Jesus whom you cannot see but should have full confidence in.

5 important facts about faith

Faith must be fed.


Nancy woke up this morning to a very full refrigerator. She even had trouble deciding what she should eat because she had so many options.

Every morning this happened until a series of events caused her to lose the luxurious life she had been accustomed to. Despite it all, she now has faith that she will eat a hot cooked meal every day even if she doesn’t know where it will come from.

At which period in her life, was her faith strongest? Yup, when everything came easy there was no need for her to exercise faith but as soon as things got difficult, faith was her best friend.

You need faith to survive as a believer in Christ. Man cannot live by bread alone; you will become weak and more vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. Ephesians 6:16 Our trust and confidence in God grow weaker when we go long periods without faith.

If your faith is not being fed, it will starve and you won’t be an effective disciple of Jesus. Don’t go long periods without the word. Study and memorize it so throughout your day you can remember what God’s words have to say to you. Romans 1:17


Another important fact about faith: It is earthly


One day we will see Jesus face to face in all of his glory and we won’t need to have faith as we do now.
When our eyes behold the beautiful city that God has prepared an eternity has begun, there will be no need for faith.

The fruition of our faith will be right before our very eyes and it will all be worth it.
Our faith will be sealed once we get to heaven. It will be unwavering and unyielding but right now, it is earthbound.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Have faith in the only God able to keep his promise and remain faithful to you. He will reward you for your faithfulness.


Keep these five facts in mind as you exercise faith in God. Faith is a total trust of confidence. If you want to know more about trusting in God then click on the image below. My Trust devotional journey will inspire and encourage your faith in Jesus.

If you were encouraged by this article share it with someone. Or leave a comment and let me know how you were encouraged.

I love you with the love of Christ.

Keneesha 🙂

5 important facts about faith




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