Self-examination can be defined as an examination or scrutiny into one’s own state, conduct, or motives. This post is particularly in regard to religious affections and duties. I want to give you 5 reasons self-examination is important.

At some point or another, we all have to undergo some sort of examination. Maybe it will be at the doctor’s or dentist’s office or maybe even in a hospital but it is definitely a part of life.

This very important part of the Christian life should be done on a regular basis. Before we pray, it is important, to begin by asking God’s forgiveness in repentance of any sin that you have committed. It can be in word, thought, or deed.

However, this is not completely what self-examination is all about. It is a much more thorough and deeper process than merely asking God to cleanse you.

Every Saturday or whatever day you choose may be the time that you clean your home or car. It is usually a surface level clean, one that is set aside for that specific day. But there comes a time when spring cleaning season comes around or Christmas cleaning where you do a thorough clean of everything.

Not just inside the home, but outside as well. You may use a little paint here and there to give your home a refreshed and vibrant look. Maybe do a little redecorating, throw out old rugs or furniture and utilize new.

This is exactly what self-examination is like in the life of the believer. It is time for spring cleaning, time to clear the dross, and everything that is hindering you in your walk with God.


It is important and here are 5 reasons why:


1. You can continue enjoying fellowship with God

When you hear the words, “sin separates you from God” it is not in the sense that you are no longer His child. You still belong to God and nothing that you do will ever change that. However, if there is unconfessed sin in your life, your fellowship with God is broken.

Jesus came down in the cool of the day, to talk to Adam and he wasn’t there. The fellowship and ease that he had with Adam and Eve were broken because they had sinned. Today, the same thing can happen if you are unrepentant as a believer in Christ.

If there is something in your life that has become more important to you than your relationship with God it is time for self-examination. One of the ways that you will know this is the case is that God will discipline you.

Hebrews 12:7-11- There is something more dangerous than the loss of fellowship with God while you are in sin, God can and will discipline you to get your attention. He wouldn’t be a good parent if he didn’t do so.

Your fellowship can be restored if you examine yourself and repent.


5 reasons you should examine yourself

2. Self-examination is important because we have to stand before God one day


One of the roles that belong to God is that of Judge. He is the one that we have to answer to. What will you say when he asks you about the months or years that you hid your light? What about the sin that you refused to confess because you felt that it was understandable or cultural?

For this point, 1 Corinthians 11:31 is in God’s word to motivate us to examine our hearts, our motives, and our actions. Would you rather be judged by God or wouldn’t you like to do it yourself?

Search your heart and your life and get right with your God.


3. We have to be our brother’s keeper


How can we claim to love God if we don’t love the ones that are around us? We are our sister’s keeper. I know that it is strange but it is a part of the love that we must show one another. Yes, you only have to answer to God for yourself and your actions.

But if you see your sister caught up in sin, it is part of your duty to help her and correct her.

Before you can do that, there is something that you have to do, yes, it is self-examination. We can’t point out the pebble in her life if we have a huge mountain blocking their view. Matthew 7:5 lets us know that.

When you examine yourself, it is not just for your benefit but for the benefit of others. This also, helps the world to see that you are who you say you are: a daughter of God.


5 reasons self-examination is important

4. So, we can participate in the Lord’s supper


The Lord’s supper is one of two ordinances that we are required to keep. Jesus told his disciples (and ultimately us) to partake of this sacred ordinance as often as possible.

It is not something that we should take lightly. This special ordinance is to remember what Jesus sacrificed on calvary on our behalf. The believer should examine herself before she partakes of the Lord’s supper.

There are times that sin may be in our lives before we partake and that is why we should search our hearts and confess our sin known and unknown unto God before we participate. It is not the time, to go outside or to refuse to take part.

The Lord’s supper reminds us of Jesus’s sacrifice, it gives us the mercy and grace that we need to repent right there and then and take part.

I Corinthians 11:28 says to examine yourself first and then eat and drink as you remember his shed blood and broken body.



5. Because our hearts are wicked


This last point is not the least. Self-examination is very important because you are still a sinner. You will mess up because you are not perfect. Our heart is the root of our problems. It is where sin is first conceived.

Although we accepted Jesus as our savior and the Holy Spirit resides in us, our flesh is still corrupt and earthly. There will be temptations. And you may yield but that is where self-examination comes into play.

You know yourself better than anyone else does. So, you alone will know if you lusted at the young man that smiled your way, you will know if you’re really being rude with the way that you respond to your friend or husband.

Sin is conceived in the heart and the scripture lets us know how depraved we are. Jeremiah 17:9

But it doesn’t end there, examine your heart, ask for God’s forgiveness, and serve him.




Examine yourself as often as possible. Let God try you and prove you so you can continue to enjoy sweet fellowship with him.

Is it time to clean your house? Are you ready to search your heart and life and confess your sin before God?

Thanks for stopping by. I love you with the love of Christ.

Keneesha 🙂

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