The Bible tells us, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.” Proverbs.18:22

I believe that every word of the Bible is inspired and God-given so when a man finds the woman that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, he is on his way to gaining favor with the Lord.

Ladies, you are the good thing, you multiply the blessing and favor that is missing from his life. So, don’t fret or worry when the one you thought was the one has decided to move on. In due time, you will meet the one.

And this is why I want to give you 5 tips that will help you on this journey to becoming the “good thing.”

When you become engaged or walk down the aisle that’s not actually how the blessings are formed. This is something that you have to start preparing for. You can begin doing something that will help you to prepare for the future.

As a sinner saved by grace, you are imperfect. You won’t be perfect here on earth but you can start doing things differently as you prepare to be the “good thing”.


Related Post: How to love your husband.


1. Have a consistent prayer life


Scripture tells us that we ought to pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians.5: 17) There is a reason for this because elsewhere it also tells us to pray and wait when we feel like fainting. God wants to communicate with us, he wants us to talk to him and he wants us to listen when he communicates with us.

While talking to God, you can begin praying for your future husband/ husband and let God know exactly what you’re looking for. There is absolutely nothing wrong with praying for someone you’ve never met.

My mom had a picture of my dad before she met him because of some pictures taken by some missionaries. She didn’t know why she kept the picture and he didn’t even look familiar to her when she first met him. But years later when he visited her home, he found a picture of himself.

God knew why she kept the picture and it’s because he heard her prayers and he answered them way before she ever met my dad. Prayer will help you with communication and faith. Believe that God will not withhold anything good from you and pray without ceasing.

Also, pray that God would make you the helpmeet you ought to be and the “good thing” that your husband will need to obtain favor from God.


5 tips to becoming the good thing


2. Serve your family and friends


If you are single this is a great time for you to practice being the “good thing”. Most women are comfortable with being the homemakers of their home. Practice makes perfect.

If you don’t cook, clean, or help your parents, roommate or even care for your own home then honestly, you’re not ready to be the one.

No, I’m not one of those women who think that only women belong in the kitchen and home but I do think that’s where we feel most comfortable.

Ever heard the saying, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? I don’t know if that will be true for your future man but I know it is true for mine. When my husband lets me know that he can make something to eat but my cooking tastes better that encourages me to continue being the homemaker.

Service doesn’t have to remain rooted in the kitchen, you can help at a local shelter or volunteer to serve at a church event. Developing a servant’s heart is key to this tip. Whether you can watch your friend’s children so she can have a break or date night with her husband or clean your parent’s car before they return from a trip, serve with gladness.

The possibilities of service are endless but servitude is an important aspect of preparing to be the one that your future husband/ husband will love and find irresistible. Plus, it keeps you busy so you don’t spend too much time thinking about the one.



3. Give generously


Money is important in every place today. However, time is even more precious. To be the one, you have to be able to manage both. Give of your time to your friends, family, workplace, church ministries, etc because when you get married all that extra time should now be given to your husband. Most importantly, give your time to God.

This is why scripture tells us that “there is a difference also between a wife and a virgin (someone that’s not married).” The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit; but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. (1Corinthians.7:34-35)

Your husband and family will take up most of your time when you marry. So, my suggestion to you during this time of waiting is to be holy and practice being selfless. Holiness is what God desires from you.

Another aspect of money is being a good steward. What God has blessed you with is to be used wisely. Give an offering while giving your tithes, give to the homeless, give to your parents, give to your friends if there is a need, etc.… But most importantly, you can only give generously if you are frugal and you do a budget. Remember to put aside savings when your budgeting as well.

You may be the one in charge of the finances in your marriage; your husband would be so happy to know that he can trust you with everything and see the fruit of your hands give back to others. The Proverbs 31 women is a great example of this. (Proverbs.31:16)


4. Take care of your temple


This is a given, in order to attract someone, you’ve got to look good. This is the whole deal. Your hygiene, your clothing, how you walk, etc. When you look in the mirror, if there is something that you don’t like to see, fix it. If you don’t like the excess weight that you carry, you can fix that.

The man that God has for you; will love you just the way you are but you have to love yourself first and make what you have look attractive to him.

Some of us, women, don’t like makeup or dresses and that’s ok. It is but you can style your hair and wear clothing that’s flattering for your figure.

Are you drinking enough water? Do you take time to exercise? I’m also speaking to myself because even though I had a baby a year ago that doesn’t give me the freedom to allow my body to retain excess weight. I shouldn’t just want to look good for me, or my husband but should be a good steward of the body God has given to me: His temple. (1Timothy.4:8)

If you put good in then good will come out (I’m referencing food in this quote). The way we eat can determine how long we live and the type of lifestyle that we have. So, find creative ways to include your vegetables because you will also need to keep your husband and family healthy when they come along.


5 tips to becoming the good thing

5. Practice good habits


Observe yourself today and jot down some of the good and bad habits that you have. Or better yet, let someone else observe you, and once you have a list make a special effort to alter or change each one. You can work on one bad habit per month or every two months. You are not going to become perfect so this exercise is not to gain perfection.

But there are some habits that we have that are not just unhealthy but downright unattractive.

Therefore, if you like to chew with your mouth open then that’s a habit that needs to be broken. How about sucking your teeth; have you done it so often you don’t even recognize when you’re doing it?

Do you like to procrastinate; are you taking time out to pray, to read your bible? Anything that you can work on to be your husband’s “good thing” would be great for both of you. It takes some time to learn a new habit, so, while you’re waiting for the one, make good use of the time and kick some back habits to the curb.





Nothing good comes easy and marriage is good, it is very good because it was orchestrated by God himself. However, there will be mountain top and valley experiences and many things that you will never foresee. If you are ready to become the good thing be willing to replace your bad habits with God, start now. (Philippians.4:8)

Is love one of the areas you need to work on? God’s word is quick and powerful and has the answers that you need. If being loving is a struggle for you then download my 31 Days to love filled with scriptures about love and why it should be a daily part of your life as a believer in Christ.

I love you with the love of Christ.



5 tips to becoming the good thing

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