Do you want to be a woman after God’s own heart? Is this something that you’re working towards? Sometimes, you can care about what everyone thinks of you and don’t care enough about God’s thoughts.

Maybe you’d like to change that and become someone that pleases God. David became that person. He lusted after Uriah’s wife and murdered him so he could have her. Then after Uriah was dead, he married Bathsheba, and she was pregnant with his child.

Although he did all of those horrible things and more, God said that he was a man after his own heart.


He wasn’t afraid to be broken and humble before God. Many of the raw prayers found in Psalms are his honest confessions and genuine grief over his sins.

David did these five things that allowed God to speak so well of him. I know that you want God to say that you’re a woman after his own heart. We all do.

Here are five ways to become a woman after God’s own heart:

  • Talk with God
  • Have a love for the brethren
  • Be quick to repent
  • Be obedient
  • Allow his word to be rooted in your heart.


5 ways to be a woman after God's own heart


Talk with God


“A man of prayer” should also be a phrase that refers to David because he was always in constant communication with God. Get your bible out or get on your phone or computer and find this passage in 2 Samuel. 7:18-29. David’s prayer is one everybody can identify with. He prayed to God in every situation and about everything.

He is an excellent example of how we ought to pray.

Pray without ceasing.


God wants to have a relationship with us, and one of the most essential parts of any relationship is communication.

As believers in Christ, you have access to the throne of God day and night. You can talk to God whenever you want. He is always ready to listen. However, you may only speak to him when things are wrong, and you are in trouble or confused about the next step to take.

Jesus wants you to talk with him when things are going well too. He wants to have a conversation. We should speak to him, but we should also listen to his response. To be a woman after God’s own heart, you should pray continually while listening for his response.

This also includes being open and honest with the one who knows you best. Tell him everything, listen for his response, and whatever he tells you to do; do it.


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Have a love for the Brethren


By this shall all men know you are my disciples if you have love one for the other.


David loved God, and he loved God’s people. When Goliath came to destroy the Israelites, David placed total faith in God and went to battle.

The same God who allowed him to slay the bear, and the lion gave him what he needed to slay Goliath. David knew that God was going before him and he was on his side.

There is no need to fear when a daunting situation arises once God goes before you. He has promised to be with you even until the end.

David and Jonathon always display to us the type of love that can be between friends. Many people use their relationship to say that homosexuality is accepted, but that is not so. They committed to one another to be friends and to protect each other. Their friendship went far beyond blood relatives and proved the description Jesus gave about friends (John 15:13).

Long after David was crowned King, he never forgot the promise he made to Jonathon and brought his grandson to live with him for the remainder of his life.

God wants us to love not just our friends; but everyone. Are you willing to let love dictate your choices and actions?


Be quick to repent


David was quick to repent and forsake any sin that hindered his relationship with God. When the prophet Nathan confronted him and told him a (true) tale, he was ready to find the person who had betrayed God and make them pay.

What’s so special about David, is when he realized that he was the main character in the story he didn’t do what other Kings might have done, he did the exact opposite and humbled himself, prayed to God and asked for forgiveness.

Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions. 
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin


Are you willing to sacrifice the pleasures of this world so you can have a relationship with your Savior? 

When someone points out your sin or tries to correct you in some way, what is your response?

Do you yield to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit?


I pray that humility will be your choice from today and that as you progress through this life that repentance will always be on the tip of your tongue.Click To Tweet


5 ways to be a woman after God's own heart


Be obedient


After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do. ‘”


David obeyed God. He was willing to do whatever God called him to do. Obedience is key to showing God that you trust him. Obedience is necessary for a faith-filled life.

God requires an obedient heart and mind. None of David’s brothers could do it because they weren’t willing to be obedient. They may have been handsome or strong and tall but they were not fit to be King.

Are you willing to be obedient to God? To be a woman after God’s own heart, you have to be obedient.

I struggle with being obedient to everything that God asks of me but I want to change that, do you? Let’s strive to listen and obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit by being obedient to the call of God especially when we know we are not qualified.

God qualifies those he calls.



Allow God’s word to be rooted in your heart.


If you’ve ever read through the book of Psalms you will notice that many of the prayers and songs are written by David himself. David loved God’s word. He loved reading the law that God had written.

Oh, how I love your law!

    I meditate on it all day long.

Your commands are always with me

    and make me wiser than my enemies.

 I have more insight than all my teachers,

    for I meditate on your statutes.

 I have more understanding than the elders,

    for I obey your precepts.

Psalms.119: 97-100

David probably memorized the parts of the bible that he had access to. Not only did he read God’s word and memorize it; but he also meditated on it. Today we meditate on peace, ourselves, or try to let our minds be blank while we sit still with our legs crossed.

This isn’t what David meant. Throughout his day, he constantly thought about what God’s words said. He allowed it to saturate his heart and mind and he let it change him from the inside out.

Once you meditate on God’s word throughout the day, you will have peace that no one can take away, joy, and confidence in Jesus.

Do you want joy? Allow God’s words to be deeply rooted in your heart so you can be a woman after God’s own heart.


What do I do now?


One important thing to note: you shouldn’t be looking for anyone here on earth to make that statement of you. The best and only truly worthy acknowledgment comes from God.

Do what is right and allow God to lead; let him be the one to say, (your name) truly is a woman after my own heart.

Were you encouraged by this article?

Is there one of the 5 ways that you need to work on?

Ask a question, leave a comment, let me know if this post has helped you in any way.

Here is a book that you can purchase if you want to dive deeper into becoming a woman after God’s own heart. If you are a young woman, there is a version specially created for you.

For the married women, I can’t forget about you, this book is for both you and your husband so you can be a couple after God’s own heart.

Check out this article that gives more insight into David being a man after God’s own heart.

Thank you for stopping by,

I love you with the love of Christ. Join me as I seek to love everyone God’s way.

Keneesha 🙂

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