During the time that Abraham was alive, he lived for the future. He was constantly on the lookout for a city whose builder and maker is God. He looked towards his future because he waited for Isaac, God’s promised seed and he looked forward to the day that his seed would inherit everything God said they would. It almost seems like he hardly experienced living in the present.

Look at us today, are we also living for the future? Be honest…. Are you?

We are looking forward to:

  • The newest gadget to be released
  • Finding a spouse
  • Getting a child
  • a better paying job
  • Paying off our debt
  • The newest album by our favorite artist
  • To owning a house
  • going to heaven and eternity.

Everything that I just listed is good, great even. There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking forward to any of those things.

The only thing is we are so busy looking towards our future that we forget to take time to appreciate our present.Click To Tweet


Here are some things that living in the present affords us:


  • The ability to make lasting memories
  • To be grateful
  • Being content
  • Relief of stress and anxiety
  • Happiness
  • Peace
  • Time

Other people see living in the present as being lazy because they think the person refuses to plan for their future. That is the exception, not the rule.

Living in the present is a Biblical principle. Yes! God made sure to place it in there because he knows how we can be.

We want to know what’s going to be ahead of us before we even make it through whatever we may be facing right now.

In the book of Matthew God tell us:

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Matt. 6:34

The reason that we look forward to the future is that we worry about what’s ahead. Today has its own troubles and obstacles to overcome so why not just live in the present?

Take in the good, bad, and ugly of today and let go and let God.





The ability to make lasting memories


Every time I look at my daughter all I want to do is snap photos. She is growing so fast and I just can’t believe that her first year is almost over.

I have so many photos and videos of so many different stages and every milestone that Google keeps asking me to buy more storage.

What I need to do, however, is to just allow myself to be involved in her smile, in her actions, in everything she does without the phone coming between us.

When you’re at a concert or viewing something live, no video can compare to you just being there capturing the moment with your eyes.

Make memories that will live on in your mind until the end. Have fun and just be.


To be grateful


It’s extremely hard to be thankful for what you have right now if you just keep looking for better.

Wherever you are, whatever God has done, whatsoever state you’re in, just be grateful.Click To Tweet

Offer God your thanks and gratitude for this moment and place in your life. Be involved and remember that this exact state is preparing you for something bigger and better in the future.


To be content


1 Tim.6:6 Now godliness with contentment is great gain.

In order to live in the present, you have to realize that you can’t bet on yourself. When Timothy said that contentment is a great gain, he is simply saying that we ought to rely on Jesus.

Be dependent on Jesus. I know you want to be independent but it’s not going to work.

 Allow Jesus to meet your every need. Allow him to take control. When someone is content there is no need to worry or lose sleep.

God has literally made it easy for us. “Just look to me for your daily provision” that’s what he’s saying. When you’re content you get to focus on what’s happening around you and really enjoy the day that you’ve been given.


Living in the present.
Live in the now.


Relieve stress and anxiety


Sit at the park and have lunch or some central area where you can observe people. There are so many of us that are suffering from stress and anxiety.

These illnesses have very severe side effects. Many people have to take pills just to get through the day. This even happens to Christians, my friend. This is not what God wants for us.

Read through Matthew.6 and you will see. God asks us to look at the birds. They don’t fret about what they are going to eat tomorrow. They take comfort in the day they are given and if they are given the next day, they look to God to provide for them.

Live in the moment. Take each day one step at a time and let God lead. If we were to relax, we will be amazed as to how God will work if we allow him to be our guide.




Are you happy? Once you have salvation; joy is a gift given to you by the Holy Spirit. Happiness is a byproduct of joy.

Yes, you can have joy and don’t have happiness. Joy is on the inside and no one can take it away but you should be happy as well, shouldn’t you?

Happiness can be had through living in the present. Taking things slow and allowing God to lead the way.

If the cares of this world cause you to be sad, you’re doing it wrong. Cast your cares on Jesus because he cares for you. And let the overflow of joy cause you to exude happiness.


Breaking free from anxious thoughts

Join this free 5 day challenge and replace anxious thoughts with God's truth.




The world is looking for peace. Everywhere you look people are asking for world peace. We know what the bible says, don’t we? Another fruit that we receive from the Holy Spirit is peace.

But how can you have peace in this world of trouble? Simple, by living in the present. Peace can only come when you allow God to take the reins.

John.14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

His peace is everlasting and you can’t lose it but the simple peace that comes from allowing God to take the wheel is priceless.




Have you ever put off for tomorrow something that could have been done today? It has been said time and time again, “Procrastination is the thief of time.”

Your child comes to you and asks if you can go and get ice cream and you tell them tomorrow.

Maybe your mom asks you to help her in the kitchen and you tell her tomorrow.

Your friends ask you to come out with them tonight and you tell them tomorrow.

We love to procrastinate. We forget that we are on borrowed time and tomorrow isn’t promised.

One part of living in the present is to make good use of the time that you are given.

It is very important to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones and friends because you really don’t know when today would be your last.


This is for you:


Was there something said that caused you to want to live in the present?

What other benefits of living in the present can you think of?

Leave a comment and let me know if this post has helped you or encouraged you.

Here is a devotional that will draw you close to Jesus.

Remember, stop living for the future and start living in the present.

Thanks for stopping by my friend,

I love you with the love of Christ. Join me as I seek to love everyone God’s way.


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