Do you know who you are?

While I was away at college, I heard the theme the youth leaders at my home church came up with. It was “The Born-Again Identity,” I thought it was really interesting. The word “identity” really stood out to me.

As I pondered the theme, over the next couple of days I began to wonder, “who am I?” That thought ran through my brain.

If you were to ask someone that question the answers you will receive will be numerous.  You may hear: I’m a wife, a daughter, friend, brother, father and the list can go on.

Who are you?
Soon to be Mom…

However, where does your identity lie, is it through earthly relationships? I surely would think not.

On social media, I am whoever I say that I am. The way that the world outlines you and I isn’t how I want to be defined and I’m sure this isn’t so for you.

We want to be defined as a child of the Living God, to be known as the daughter or son of the King of Kings, to be claimed as an heir to reign with God forever.


When you are a believer in Jesus Christ you have a new identity.


You are now royalty and you become a part of God’s amazing family.

Sometimes as Christians we walk around feeling dejected and hopeless when God has already defined us in his word. Chin up my sister, your identity is found in Christ Jesus and in him alone.

In I Pet. 2:9 God tells us, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people called to show light out of darkness.” This verse alone tells us who we are.

But there are many other references in God’s word like in I John.15:15 where God lets us know that he is our friend and we are his.

The major focus of who you are can be answered in the following verse (Rom.8:15) where God tells us we are adopted as his own children. Hallelujah! I don’t know about you but this news makes me feel like shouting.

What a Savior! Isn’t it so good to know we can approach Abba Father at any time and he hears us?

We have a father who isn’t bound by limitations like death, work or time but someone who we were created like, who is and will always be there.

The world may try to stifle and overlook you but your identity is secure in Jesus and once you’re a believer you know exactly who and whose you are.


Prayer for Today


Dear Jesus,

Thank you that my identity is found in you and thank you for using your word to show me who I am in you. Help me to never lose sight of your sacrifice and to always remember that I belong to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Scripture for Today:


and if children, also heirs—heirs of God and coheirs with Christ—if indeed we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.


But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,



Quote to Remember:


You will never know who you truly are without having a relationship with your Creator.



Song of encouragement:


This song by Lauren Daigle will help you to always remember who you are in Christ.


Thank you for stopping by,

Are you rejoicing because you know who you are? Let me know your thoughts and start the conversation.

I love you with the love of Christ. Join me as I seek to love everyone God’s way.

If this is your first devotional from me, read these ones. Click here and here.


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