There are plenty of questions that I would like to ask many biblical characters? I’m sure you do too. At times, some seem perfect, and at other times some of them show their humanity.

Just so you know, these questions won’t be asked when I get to heaven, and yours won’t either. We will be too busy soaking up the wonder of heaven and basking in the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Here are eight questions that I would love to ask some biblical characters, and why?

  1. Adam and Eve- When you were hiding from God, what were you thinking?
  2. The little boy with the 5 loaves and two fishes- How did your life change after you witnessed the miracle?
  3. Leah- What was it like being married to a man who didn’t love you?
  4. Noah- Did you get discouraged while preaching for 120 years?
  5. Eutychus- Did you wake up during your fall, and if you did, what were you thinking?
  6. Ruth- Did you think you would ever find love again, and did you even want to?
  7. Hannah- Why did you keep your trust in God when you could have turned bitter?
  8. Paul- How did you remain faithful to God without continuously complaining about the thorn in your flesh?


Burning questions for Biblical Characters.


Adam and Eve


When you were hiding from God, what were you thinking?

Come on, Adam and Eve, you literally tried to hide from your creator…

There is no place we can ever go where we can hide from God.

I’m sure that these two biblical characters made everyone’s list because, as the first sinners, we inherited the sin gene. I don’t blame them too much because; I like to ask myself if you were the first woman on earth, do you really think you would have chosen differently?

Frankly, I can’t truly answer that question because I really don’t know what I would have done, but it’s fascinating to me that they literally chose to hide from God.

God knows everything. Look at what the Bible has to say…

Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. 

Psalms.139: 7-10


The little boy with the 5 loaves and two fishes


How did your life change after you witnessed the miracle?

Have you ever thought about him? I can’t help but think about who he grew up to be. Every time I hear the story of “the 5000,” I think about all the boys and girls in our churches who hear the gospel and make decisions but turn away from the truth.

But somehow, when I picture this little boy as a man, I see him being someone who preached Jesus and who never forgot what he saw happened to his lunch that day. I would love to sit with him and find out what transpired in his life from that day forward. I hope his life was changed spiritually after that day.





What was it like being married to a man who didn’t love you?

Leah is never talked about much, but I see her as someone who was mistreated. I can imagine that it hurt her heart that she wasn’t the one who caught Jacob’s eye. I can also picture her father telling her the plan that he had conducted. She probably begged not to be a part of it but did anyway out of respect for her father and the land’s customs.

When she lived, it wasn’t ok for the younger sister to be married before the eldest. Can you imagine hiding behind the veil, all decked in white, dreading the moment your husband lifts it to seal the deal with a kiss?

I would love to sit with her and just hear her story, maybe find out if she even liked Jacob or if maybe someone else had caught her eye. How did she cope with the heartache of always competing with Rachel?




Did you get discouraged while preaching for 120 years?

At some point in time, we have been rejected by someone when we shared the gospel with them. We might try to avoid the person if we can help it the next time we go witnessing or try again. Can you imagine preaching for over 120 years and just being constantly ridiculed and made fun of?

I wonder if Noah ever got discouraged and what he did to encourage himself? It must have been disheartening at some point that no one wanted to listen and believe what he was saying. However, he was able to convince his family, and we’re all here through his bloodline.





Did you wake up during your fall, and if you did, what were you thinking?

Have you ever heard the story of this young man who was asleep during Paul’s teaching and fell out of the window of a three-story building and died?

Yup, this is in the bible. I have to ask this question because I have fallen asleep a time or two in church, but that has never happened to me, I’m sure. 😉

The good part about his story is that Paul and the congregation prayed over him, and he came back to life. I’m sure he never fell asleep in front of a window again.

I wonder how his life was changed after he experienced the mighty power of God?

And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep: and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead. And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him. When he, therefore, was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed.

Acts. 20:9-11




Did you think you would ever find love again, and did you even want to?

You may have heard a lot of ladies say that they are looking for their Boaz. However, we sometimes forget that she had initially found the love of her life, but he died. This is why I would ask her that particular question.

In so many ways, the story of Ruth depicts God’s pursuit of us because he is our Kinsman Redeemer. Ruth recognized that Naomi was different, and she wanted what she saw in her. God more than doubled her bounty by providing her with Boaz, and she got to be a part of the line that led to the birth of Christ.

If your heart has been broken or you’ve lost your husband or wife, let God handle the hurt and send someone to you if that’s a part of his will. Everything happens for a reason.




Why did you keep your trust in God when you could have turned bitter?

I had to include Hannah in my questions because her faith was strong, and so many women can identify with her struggle today. Hannah had every human right to become bitter and angry at God, but she didn’t. She never gave up, and she never lost confidence in God.

Her husband was no encouragement, Peninnah capitalized on her barrenness, but Hannah kept the faith. She kept asking and keep praying until God opened her womb and blessed her with many children.

How long would you have prayed and trusted in God?

Burning questions for Biblical characters.




How did you remain faithful to God without continuously complaining about the thorn in your flesh?

Paul has always been fascinating to me. He is literally one of my favorite biblical characters. Paul suffered a lot for Jesus after his conversion. If you have studied Paul’s life, you will realize that he counted it a privilege to suffer for Jesus’s name and that he really did suffer. He was stoned, in shipwrecks, in perils, just to name a few.

I’m inquisitive to know what would cause Paul to ask God to take this suffering away from him; whatever it was, he ended up bearing it and living out his life for God as long as he was given.


Start the Discussion


I’m sure you’re going through my questions, and you probably think that my questions aren’t that pressing.

Tell you what, why don’t you list a biblical character and the question that you would ask them if you had the opportunity?

Just list it in the comments below.

Maybe the person you have a question for is Jesus; take a look at this article.

Are you looking for a Bible Study resource that will help you to dive deep into the Word? My PRAYER Bible Study Method can help.

Thanks for stopping by.

I love you with the love of Christ. Join me as I seek to love everyone God’s way.

Keneesha 🙂

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