Today we will continue looking at the 4 women who brought us the Savior: Ruth. Before you begin learning about and from Ruth, check out my previous posts on Bathsheba, Tamar, and Rahab. Now, where were we?




So, today as we continue the series, we will be looking at the life of Ruth. She is the only one of the four, whose name is a book of the Bible.

If you’re not familiar with Ruth’s story, go here and read about her life. It will do you well to read all four chapters. The book of Ruth is an amazing love story.

Interestingly, Ruth’s main reason for being the woman she became was because of her mother-in-law’s wisdom and advice, Naomi. Yes, another God-fearing woman!

Ruth experienced much sorrow in her young life. She fell in love and married a stranger from another land, but her happiness was short-lived when he died, leaving her a young poor widow.

She could’ve decided to go back to her family and pagan gods, but she decided to stay with Naomi and take care of her. Ruth had no idea that that decision was preparing her to find a hardworking, godly man that would be her and Naomi’s knight in shining armor. (Forgive me, I really like fairy tales)

The following statement has been well used and recited even today.

“Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you lodge, I will lodge, your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.”


Ruth spoke this beautiful statement of commitment.


4 women who brought us the saviour: Ruth

The Kinsman Redeemer


Boaz first noticed Ruth and took an interest in her long before she made a proposition to him. He saw how hard and diligent she worked and asked his workers to leave a little extra for her to glean.

He displayed his compassionate and generous nature right from the start. He was definitely husband material, but he didn’t approach her. Naomi noticed the amount of food Ruth brought home and inquired of her, and she told her how generous he was. Naomi did her own research and formulated a plan.

Boaz was family to her deceased husband, which meant he was fit to be a husband for Ruth. She told Ruth what to do, and Boaz went and bought the right and privilege to claim Ruth as his wife and to care for her mother-in-law as well.

In the story of Ruth, the redemptive story is seen. God planned a long time ago to redeem us, and he did by sending Jesus.

Ruth opened her heart to love again and met Boaz, who became her husband and bore a son, namely Obed, who, through his seed, got King David and ultimately brought forth our Redeemer.

Her story shows God’s faithfulness. He saw the plight of two widows struggling to remain faithful to him, and he rewarded their faith and began the process to redeem the entire world. Jesus is our Boaz/kinsman redeemer in the book of Ruth.

As we wandered around hopeless, God planned all along to redeem us and bring us back to him.



Can you relate?


Do you relate to Ruth in any way?

Are you filled with sorrow because of a loss but remaining faithful to God? He will reward you.

Remain faithful, my friends. God will give you his best at the right time.

When Ruth decided to stay with Naomi, she never thought that God would give her a faithful husband, much less use her in his plan to redeem humanity.

But that’s what God did, and he can do the very same and better for you. This Christmas, as you reflect on the gift of God’s son, Jesus remembers one of the ladies that started it all and give your worries and cares over to God. He will always be there!

Just like God wrote Ruth’s love story, he is writing yours. Ruth might have experienced sorrow at a young age, but she got the chance to love two men wholeheartedly. That’s doing life well.

The husband that you’ve been waiting on is coming your way at the correct time. God is never too early or too late.


4 women who brought the Savior: Ruth

Prayer for Today:

Dear God,

Thank you for the plan that the Godhead made a long time ago. As I celebrate Jesus’ birth and what that means for humanity, give me the courage, faith, and hardworking diligence of Ruth so I can live wholeheartedly for you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Ruth.4: 17, 21-22

Matt.1: 5-6

Hey my friends, thanks for stopping by, be sure to look out for the last devotional on Bathsheba for Christmas Eve. If you haven’t read the previous ones on Tamar, and Rahab, check them out.

I love you with the love of Christ, and share this post with all your friends and family. Have a merry Christmas.

Keneesha 🙂

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