Ever felt like you were being left behind, don’t you worry sis because God hasn’t forgotten you. Here’s what he says,
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer.29:11
As a young girl, I wasn’t very into sports. I would attend sporting events, participate to contribute to my team or house as it was called, but that was pretty much it.
So, sometimes if I was at netball (British game) practice or PE (physical education) and there was going to be a game with teams I would always be one of the last people to get picked.
It never bothered me because I would reason that it totally made sense to pick the best players first. It was understood that friendship wouldn’t be a part of the equation at that time. Once the game was team-based especially if it was for points, I would rather sit it out.
There were also other times when this lazy spirit manifested itself in my relationship with Jesus. I didn’t want to testify or sing and fear was the motivating factor behind it all.
As I grew in my walk with God, I realized that being chosen by God was a privilege that I shouldn’t take it for granted. I might not have been my classmate’s first choice but God chose me and He chose you.
He didn’t just choose me when the Holy Spirit convicted me and I responded and heeded God’s call but he chose me before time began; before he said let there be light.
You and I are some of the chosen, peculiar people that he has called and adopted.
God hasn’t forgotten you
Ever felt forgotten?
How about you, my friend, were you ever chosen last? Ever just had to go with a team because you were literally the last person standing?
Maybe it seems as though your friends are finding love and getting married and you’re still waiting?
Maybe you’ve been married for years but God hasn’t blessed the fruit of your womb as yet. Abortion is rampant and you and your husband haven’t even had the opportunity. There may be some who have had their joy interrupted by miscarriages time and time again.
I’m here to remind you that God hasn’t forgotten you. Just as you were chosen before time began it’s the same in the situation you’re facing. The plans that God has for you may take some time but that’s because he wants the best for you. He desires to receive glory when you testify about his goodness and how he has supplied your needs.
Your blessing is on the way because the God you serve is never late, he’s always right on time.
I wasn’t into sports; I wasn’t any good at any of it but I was good at getting assignments completed and if we had to work in groups, I wasn’t the last one that was picked last.
God has a plan for you
This period of singleness; childlessness, miscarriages, problems in your marriage, or even depression is God trying to get you to focus on something else. Something that no one else can do but you. Something that he destined you to accomplish.
You can start ministering to other single ladies who may be about to faint because they have been single for two years and you’ve been singularly trudging with God for 10 years.
The plans that God has for your life are momentous and they are not for you to know until he has chosen the time. Until then, remember that his plans are there to give you hope, and a beautiful bright future.
Your testimony is worth a lot. Share it with someone and remember that God has chosen you for such a time as this.
Prayer for Today
Dear God,
Thank you for choosing me before the foundations of this world began. Thank you for your faithfulness to me. Whenever I’m tempted to forget that you’ve got me, please remind me. I trust in the process and road you’ve designed for me to trod and leave all worry behind because you truly know what is best. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture for Today
Heb.6:10– For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.
Phil.4:6-7– do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
If this devotional has challenged you, share it with someone. Know that God has a special plan for your life and he is still writing your story.
Thank you for stopping by,
I love you with the love of Christ. Let’s strive to love everyone God’s way.