I am a very low-key person. I’m not trying to blow my own horn and get accolades for not being “so” selfish. But truthfully, I am one that would rather be in the background and not in the forefront.

Philippians 2:3- Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Many people that know me personally would probably agree that I am low-key. At least I think they would but what a lot of them who know me don’t know is that I’m the total opposite on the inside.

In one of my class assignments for biblical counseling, I had to list 50 ways that I am selfish. To be honest, I was like, WHAT? I can’t do that, that is way too much.

But as I wrote down one after the other it became easier and easier to continue. Guess what my friend, I was able to write 50 completely different ways of being selfish or proud or filled with pride.

In the end, all I could do was to humble myself before our holy GOD. Just because something isn’t plainly shown to us doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. After all, that’s why the statement, “love is blind” exists.

There were instances in my life where I have exercised the admonition that Paul gave in our key verse today, Phillipians 2:3. However, I quickly realized that my failures far exceeded those times.

I am not here to discourage you, my friend. It’s Thankful Thursday and I know that you are looking for encouragement.

Humility is a calling

So, here is what I applied to my heart from the key verse.

If read in the context (Philippians 2:1-11) you will realize that this verse is talking about Jesus’ Christ humility. As believing women of God, you have the mind of Christ.

This means that you are able to practice and cultivate humility in your life.

Just as Jesus was able to humble himself and become obedient to the cross, so we can humble ourselves and serve others without selfish motives.

What encouragement! Jesus took the form of a servant when he came to this earth. My creator, your creator had no problem being subjected to death.

All so you and I can have a chance to receive salvation.

Yes, I know that Jesus is perfect and you are not but he has called us to practice humility. Did he make a mistake? No, he did it because he has given us his example and the Holy Spirit to guide us.

My brother always asks my daughter if she wants juice when he wants juice. Usually, she doesn’t want it or she would drink a little and he would happily finish the rest. He wasn’t really thinking about her, he was thinking about himself and using the occasion to serve himself.

I’m guilty of being like my brother. How about you? How can we change the wrong way that we are serving others? What can we start doing today to ensure we put others first? We have been called to be humble. Humility is a calling. Are you ready to answer the call?

If you were encouraged share this post or leave a comment.

You can write, “Humility is a calling that I’m prepared to cultivate.”

I’m so thankful that Jesus didn’t just tell us what to do but he has shown us the way. He is the perfect example.

What are you thankful for today? Comment below.


Get more Thankful Thursday Encouragement from my fellow blogger friends:

Trisha @ Joy of Reading

Nicole @ The Christian Fiction Girl

Jacquelyn @ A Heavenly Home

Jessica @ A Baker’s Perspective

Becca @ The Becca Files

Gina @ Stories by Gina

Rebecca @ Rev. Rebecca Writes

Andi @ Radiant Light

Leslie @ Words of Hope

Claudia @ Claudia Moser

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