The first time I heard about leprosy I was at church, listening to the sermon while the preacher read from the book of Leviticus. After, I found out that in the small village in which I was raised, there had once been a leper’s home. I realized that this disease was no stranger to mankind. I don’t know where it originally started but the man, we will be looking at today suffered from leprosy. There are many other cases in the Bible about leprosy but our focus will be on Naaman. His story answers the question: Is anything too hard for God?

Read: 2 Kings 5:1-14


Who was Naaman?


He was favored and admired by King Aram because he was a great warrior. Naaman leads the Aramean army to many victories and when he did good, the King looked good.

So, of course, he would have great fellowship with him. He was so respected that he was able to approach the King with anything that was troubling him personally.

The only physical flaw that he suffered from was external. He had been diagnosed with leprosy but it didn’t stop him from being victorious in battle.

Is there anything that is currently stopping you from your purpose? Are you allowing yourself to be held back from serving God?

It could be that you are battling a physical flaw, whatever it is, don’t allow it to hold you back from doing what God has called you to do.

Naaman’s body was deteriorating but that didn’t stop him from fulfilling his purpose. He was also married and wealthy.


Who has God blessed you with?


After defeating the Israelite nation, one of their spoils (things and people they would take from the land/nation after it was conquered) happened to be a young Israeli girl.

This special young lady believed in God and knew some of his servants. She must have been an impressive young girl because she was not afraid.

As a Jew, she knew the customs of her people and what they did to people that were diagnosed with leprosy. She didn’t think, is anything too hard for God, because she knew that the Lord could heal him.

There isn’t a time frame given as to how long it took to gain the trust and respect of Naaman’s wife and Naaman himself, but at last, she told his wife, and actions were taken based on faith.

Naaman and his household didn’t even realize who God had blessed them with.

Circumstances happen and situations arise without us really knowing what’s happening around us.

God blessed the entire household with a young captive who let her light shine despite her circumstance. Can you recall a situation in your life where God blessed you, but you only realize his blessings in hindsight?

God has placed you in the position, situation, job, marriage, family, and anything else you can name, for a reason. Also, God has placed people around you for a reason.

It is not easy to tell your superiors that you have a better idea than they have yet to think of. And it is also not easy to point out a solution to an elder without them feeling bad.

But just like Timothy was admonished to remain strong and lead even as a youth, God will be right there. Just ask yourself, is anything too hard for God? You know the answer. There isn’t.


 More insight from God’s word


Jeremiah 32:27

Genesis 18:14

Jeremiah 32:17

Luke 1:37

Matthew 19:26





  1. Is there something in your life that you think is too hard for God? Thus far we see that nothing is too hard for God. He can heal leprosy as well as any other ailments that affect man. God can heal you too. There is absolutely nothing in your life that he cannot handle.
  2. Are you frustrated with the people that God has positioned around you? The people that God has surrounded you with are there for a reason. You may not like your competitive co-worker but God has placed her in your life for a reason. One day he will reveal it to you.
  3. Are you afraid to voice what God has laid on your heart because your position is insignificant? Speak up even when you don’t have superiority. Once you are a child of God you have royal status. What you have to say may be just what everyone needed to hear.
  4. Afraid to step out by faith? Don’t be afraid to pursue the purpose or calling that God has placed on your heart. He will make a way.


Do you believe that there is nothing too hard for the Lord? Let me know in the comments.

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Thank you for stopping by. I love you with the love of Christ.

Keneesha 🙂

Is anything too hard for God



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