I have been here before, this is why scriptures for the sister who doesn’t feel “good enough” is important.

You know that dark valley of doubt, uncertainty, and insignificance that can creep up on a believing woman of God.

At some point or another, you may have experienced the dreadful sense of not being “good enough.”

It could well be that your longest relationship has ended without any hope in sight of restoration.

Your best friend may have forsaken you or your marriage may have ended unexpectedly after years of “wedded bliss”.

Maybe you thought by now you would be married with kids or maybe your dream job has eluded you time after time.

You’re probably looking at your life and wondering, ‘Where are my successes, and what do I have to show?’

There are countless situations that we go through on a daily basis where this feeling of not being “good enough” has constantly crippled us. As women, we have firsthand knowledge of how real this feeling is.

Sometimes I could be having an awesome day and one look on social media or one text message from a group chat can cause me to doubt myself. It can cause me to momentarily feel invisible.

Almost like I have nothing to offer because I don’t have it all together.

Sisters, I don’t know about you but I’m usually my hardest critic. But the scripture has the answer to this feeling of not being good enough.



5 verses to encourage your heart.


As a result, this is why I wanted to bring to us 5 verses from the Word of God that we can look to whenever this feeling of not being “good enough” sneaks upon us.


Created in God’s image


So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Gen.1:27 (NKJV)

Right away you get exactly what this verse is saying, don’t you?

First of all, ladies, do you notice that the scripture didn’t just reference men?

Also, notice that the word “men” wasn’t used to reference both men and women as it does very often in many other passages. God made sure to mention us, females.

To know that God, the Almighty, fashioned you and me in his own image is to know that we are mini replicas of the very embodiment of God.

You and I resemble Jesus, our Lord, and Savior.

This great verse shows that God took the time to shape us, just as we are, to bring him glory.

Let’s be honest in this age of social media it is harder than ever for women who are fat or have an uneven skin tone to feel beautiful.

So, if your feelings of not being good enough stem from body issues, this is a great verse to memorize when feelings of inadequacy surface.


We were prepared beforehand


For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Eph.2:10 (NKJV)

The word workmanship speaks about the work that God has started within us.  This is how we know that God isn’t finished fashioning us as yet.

Why were you created? This verse gives us the reason God created and formed us in his image. He created you for good works. Everything that is in you was for a specific purpose that he has ordained from the start.

Now that we have been born again through Jesus, our works should show all that he planted within us before the foundations of the world began.

Therefore, this could only mean one thing, are you ready?


God knew we would be in this dilemma right now and he has already given us a way of escape before the world was created.Click To Tweet


Scriptures for the sister who doesn't feel " good enough"


This feeling of despair is going to pass. Whatever you’re going through right now is preparing you for your calling.

If you’re thinking that good works cannot save, you would be right because we were saved for good works not by good works.

This is how we show our allegiance to God. Whenever feelings of worthlessness arise, remember that God created you for a purpose. Find out your purpose and begin living it out.


Feelings of not being “good enough” can’t separate us from God’s love


Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Rom.8:35-39 (NKJV)

The essence of this post is about not being “good enough” but Paul listed seven other areas where believers can feel like they fall short of the love of God.

Notice that he mentioned that once we get over these seven things or get out of our own way, we become conquerors because of Christ’s love for us.

Paul gave quite a list of things that could never separate us from the love of God. I’d like to add that not even our feelings of inadequacy can dwarf God’s love for us.

He continued by saying in the last verse that there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from the love of God.

We know the testimony of Paul and we have read of some of his experiences.

If Paul was convinced of this truth then we as ladies ought also to be convinced that no matter how inadequate or unworthy, we feel; God’s love covers us.

This should give us reason to rejoice.



Christ has already won


These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”


As a finite being, I am well aware of the troubles this world brings.

With the stresses of life, the ups and the downs I am certain that looking for earthly peace will not foster happiness.

As a sinner saved by grace there are times when I will compare myself to others and come up lacking. Jealousy sometimes gets the better of me.

But how will this verse help me? Well, I’m glad you asked.

Scriptures for the sister who doesn't feel "good enough"

I don’t have to look to the left or the right, I don’t have to allow tribulations to get the best of me and I certainly can’t expect to find peace here on earth.

When our finite mind tries to make us feel less than by encouraging us to compare ourselves to others we can still smile with certainty.

We just have to be of good cheer because Jesus has already won. He is on our side.

We may not have peace in this world but Jesus has given us inner peace, a peace that no one can take away.


So, when the feeling of not being good enough catches you off guard remember the peace of God that resides within and love yourself.Click To Tweet



You may not feel ” good enough” but God is your provider


Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?


In this passage, God is telling us we shouldn’t worry. The birds flutter around all day not concerned about food until they are hungry.

They don’t hoard as humans do; they have instinctively developed the concept of each day providing for itself.

I don’t live like this as a believer in Christ so I’m challenging myself to go to God and ask for what I need even if it’s minimal.

The last part of the verse stands out to me. God takes care of the birds and fowls of the air by providing for them daily.

We were created in His image so we know that we are far more valuable to God than birds.



What do I do now?


Since I am more valuable to Jesus, the one who truly matters, I can easily put aside my feelings of not being “good enough.”

I can embrace Jesus and love myself at the stage I’m at; knowing I am created for good works, in His image and he’s still working on me.

Sisters, what are some scriptures that help you whenever you don’t feel good enough?

Are there any techniques you use to overcome the doubt in your mind before it takes root?

Is there someone who hasn’t experienced the feeling of inadequacy?

Did you enjoy this post? What tidbit are you going to take away? I hope that these scriptures for the sister who doesn’t feel “good enough” has helped.

Please feel free to let me know in the comments if this post was helpful. Answer one of the questions or all.

Read 21 scriptures that can help when you don’t feel ‘good enough.’

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for stopping by.

I love you with the love of Christ. Join me in loving others God’s way.

Keneesha 🙂

Related Post: You are not an afterthought.

Scriptures for sister who doesn't feel "good enough"



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