Can you imagine how Jesus felt when the ugliness of our sin was placed upon Him and God, the Father turned his back on him? I don’t think I could handle that type of neglect. Sometimes trusting God when you don’t feel his presence can feel the same way.

There have been many times in life when you may feel like God has turned his back on you.

Have you ever felt like this? (I just pictured you nodding your head or shouting aloud YES)

Certainly, most of us have been there.

So, you might be wondering, what can I tell you that’s different from what you already know?

And all I can say is that it’s nothing new. Say what?

There is nothing new under the sun but I want to jog your memory; I want you to remember all those times God came through when you least expected it.


He is an On-Time God!Click To Tweet


God, where are you?


It could be that you’re praying for something in particular but your prayers just keep bouncing around the walls in your room. And it doesn’t seem like God is listening and you’re wondering if he cares.

Maybe the job you’ve depended on suddenly became obsolete. You’ve been sending out applications and your nest egg is quickly dwindling. However, it seems that no one has a vacancy for your particular expertise.

Sisters this is something that all of us have to go through. It’s just a part of life. Life is full of ups and downs and as believers, we are not excluded from difficulties, we are a part of it all.

Maybe you’ve yet to experience anything, however, with time, you’ll see, if you’re not coming out of a trial, you’re going into one or you’re in the middle of one.

For the believing woman of God, we have the privilege of knowing that God is always there.

As a believer in Christ, I claim to believe that God is real without ever having seen him. My salvation is totally based on faith and belief in Jesus’ finished work on Calvary.

Yet, when God doesn’t answer my prayers the way I want Him to, or when he suddenly seems quiet and when it appears, He is nowhere to be found when trials come my way, the truth of it all is He is right there.

So, have you jogged your memory as yet? I’ll wait…

Do you remember the times God made a way when there seemingly was no way? Great!!

Now that you remember the times that God seemingly had forsaken you and then instantaneously turned your life upside down with his goodness let’s move on.

This is the first thing I want you to think about or remember when you don’t feel God’s presence. Is it going to be easy to think of God’s goodness at a time when you can’t even feel him?

No! It will not be easy but it will be worth it.

Trusting God when you can't feel his presence


God, is right here!


Do you remember when your boss accused you of doing something that you didn’t do?

Or maybe you were caught up in an argument and couldn’t quite get your thoughts out correctly?

Through many different scenarios, there have been many moments where we have reflected on a situation and can word for word tell someone what we said wrong and what we would say if given a second chance.

You know exactly what I’m talking about!

Well, when we are facing cancer or the death of a loved one or financial difficulties, in the thick of the moment, we aren’t able to focus.

It is at those times we think like the poet. We believe that we are carrying ourselves because we can only see one set of footprints in the sand. But God is the one holding us and making sure we get to see the other side.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Rom.8:28 (KJV)

Certainly, without knowing the end result of a particular trial, we should join with Paul and realize that whatever God sends our way is for our good and God’s glory.

Paul didn’t say some things work together for our good, he said ALL things.

There are going to be times when our faith will be tested. This is the time that God wants us to pass the test and trust him fully even if we can’t see the outcome or understand the reasoning behind it.



Pray, pray, pray!


One last thing we can do when trusting God when we can’t feel his presence is to pray.

This is the outlet God gave to you and me to communicate with him. Jesus tore the veil that separated us from direct communication with him when he defeated death and the grave.


When you don’t understand the purpose of your suffering, when you don’t know how to have faith that all things will work out and when you feel that God has abandoned you, it is time to pray.Click To Tweet


Remember that God is the one who is at that very moment guiding you through this situation so that your faith will be strengthened and you can be a blessing to other believers.

Pray without ceasing, God is right there and everything we need to get through this situation was already given to us by God himself.

When a storm is brewing and the meteorologist tells us that there is a storm watch do you just go about your day and forget what he said because you don’t see any wind, rain, or storm surge?

I know you will be in the store lines getting all the necessary items and making sure all measures are met so you could be safely protected and ready for when the storm arrives.

When the storms of this life come upon us or God sends a test our way let’s trust in his purpose for our lives even though we can’t see what he is doing. Let’s not be like Thomas, let’s trust God even when we don’t understand.

Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

John.20:29 (NKJV)

Thanks for stopping by,

I love you with the love of Christ. Join me in loving others God’s way.

Keneesha 🙂

Trusting God when you can't feel his presence

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