I’ve heard that loneliness is more likely to be found in happy people. To me, there are just as many depressed and sad countenances walking around that struggle with loneliness too.

So many times, I’m told to smile whenever I enter a room or when I’m walking towards a stranger on the street. The thought always crosses my mind, “I wonder if they know someone who smiles ALL the time?”

There is a video that I saw on FaceBook of a guy looking around in the crowd for his friends with a rather mean look on his face. One of his friends saw him upon his arrival to the event and started videotaping him.  

Through the lens of the camera, I saw when his eyes finally found his friends. He went from mean-mugging to this huge smile. He saw his people in the crowd and he let down his guard.

If you’re being honest you’ve probably felt alone in a crowd of people a time or two. The worst place to be lonely is when you’re surrounded by people.

Loneliness is part of what living is all about. We all suffer from bouts of loneliness, some more severe than others. This is something I struggle with and there are others who struggle with it too.

There is one person, however, who keeps me grounded and focused. His name is Jesus.

I hope that whenever you feel lonely that you have a friend in Jesus and that you rely on him. Here are 4 bible verses to help you to overcome the feeling of being lonely:

If you don’t have Jesus as a friend you need to make it right with him. He is the best friend that you will ever have.



Jesus is your friend and family, all in one


A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


Friends will come and go, there are certain seasons in your life where you may realize that where God is leading you, will require your faith to be tested much more than it ever has.

And that’s ok because you have a friend who will always be there. So much so that he is your family. He will be with you through all your lonely patches.

Friends will often change over time as you continue to grow and develop but God is immutable. He won’t switch up on you and he will always be dependable.

We just feel that way for a moment and then it’s gone so don’t allow being alone to define you.


God cares for you


Casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.

1 Pet.5:7

There is a reason God wants us to be in constant communication with him. In this world, we will encounter many issues that will cause us to mess up and doubt ourselves.

We may even be tempted to isolate ourselves from others because we don’t feel that we are worthy to be counted with the righteous. Ladies, God has a therapeutic option for you. Go to him and cast your cares, worries, anxieties, anything that is holding you down before his feet.

He cares for us, he wants to listen to our struggles, he longs to show us how much he loves us and that he is bigger than anything we may face.

Once you’ve released the burdens of this life off your chest you can fellowship with other saints believing that God cares for you.

Loneliness doesn't define you
Loneliness doesn’t define you


God will be there ALWAYS


Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”


There is absolutely nothing that you can do that will cause God to not be there for you.

If we are dishonest with our friends and loved ones, many times our dishonesty bites us in the back. We may end up with a relationship that is broken and in need of repair.

Even when it may have been mended, most times things are never the same again. Why is that?

We are human, we forgive but we also don’t want to put ourselves out there again (wholeheartedly) for fear that we get hurt again.

Not so with our God, if we lie, if we are dishonest, if we cheat, it really doesn’t matter once we ask for forgiveness our relationship is restored and becomes sweeter than it was before.

God has promised during our lonely hour, when we can’t see a way out of the state we may be in, that he is going to be with us even to the end of time.



Nothing can separate us from God so we are never alone


For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Absolutely nothing can separate us from him. Whenever you feel lonely or forsaken, unseen or misunderstood remember that God will be with you always.

Friends may forsake you; the world may hate you; your flesh may belittle you but God will always be there. How do we know this? Nothing can ever separate us from him. No man can pluck us out of his hands. Once you are there you will never have to face any situation alone. He will go before and he will be with you.


What to do now?


Do you suffer from bouts of loneliness? I hope this post has encouraged your heart. Jot down these verses and memorize them so you can always remember Jesus who will stick with you closer than family.

Did this article help you…? Let me know in the comments. Start the conversation…

If you want to read more about what God is saying about loneliness check out this devotional from Proverbs. 31

Thank you for stopping by my friend,

I love you with the love of Christ. Join me as I seek to love everyone God’s way.

Keneesha 🙂

4 bible verses to help in times of loneliness

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