Claire wondered if she would get into the college she wanted to attend. She wondered if she would receive the grant, scholarship, and or loan she applied for. Her thoughts began spiraling out of control when she started thinking of all the “what if” questions that lead to anxiety and worry.

What if I do get in and something happens that causes me to drop out?

What if I receive the loan without the grant and scholarship, and in the end, I have terrible credit because I can’t find a job?

Are you like Claire? Do your thoughts spiral out of control often? Perhaps you have many “what if” questions escalating in your mind, and you don’t know how to control and stop them.

You are not alone. At some point in time, we have all suffered from anxiety and worry. I’d even dare to say that it will come around again at some time in the future. Some experience it much more than others at different levels of severity.

Take heart, my sister, this is not one of the issues where God has remained silent, and we have to wonder what does God has to say about this?

There are so many other believers (sisters and brothers) in God’s word that have been where you are. And what’s even better is Jesus addressed this particular issue himself.

The first thing you have to recognize is it all begins in your mind.


Your thoughts are important.


2 Corinthians 10:5- We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

It all begins in the mind. Anxiety and worry fall under the umbrella of fear. Fear can become sinful when it leads to anxious and worrisome thoughts and actions.

The question to ask yourself is, “Who controls my thoughts?”

What’s your answer?

The only person that controls your thoughts is you. You can decide what you will choose to dwell on or what you will push aside.

When you become fearful, your thoughts run wild, and anxiety and worry takes over. You start seeing uncertainties as facts.

For example: Alice remembered when her older daughter was a part of the football team; she fell and broke her ankle and has never been able to play since. Now that her younger daughter wants to play football, she refuses to let her play.

Why? Because the replay in her head of her older daughter’s incident is replaced with her younger daughter instead.

Alice is making decisions based on something that has not even happened. Her thoughts turned into facts.

But the scripture lets us know that we can take charge of our thoughts and make them obedient to Jesus Christ.

Overcoming anxiety and worry with God's Word.

How can you take your thoughts captive concerning anxiety and worry?


Philippians 4:8- Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Instead of allowing your mind to traverse down the slippery slope of anxiety and worry, allow thoughts of Christ and his Word to permeate it.

If your thoughts don’t align with Phil 4:8, then the opposite would be true. You have the power to change the narrative, to think positive thoughts, and saturate your mind with the Word of God.

Meditate on who God is and the promises he has given to you.

To stop anxiety and worry from taking over, you have to replace those thoughts with something else.

For example, when you think that you won’t get the money you need to pay your bills, tell yourself, my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory. (Philippians 4:19) Then start thinking about all the things he has already provided for you. And believe that he will answer.

If you start thinking that no one appreciates what you do, tell yourself El Roi (the God who sees you) sees you and receives all the glory from your obedience.

There is nothing that God doesn’t see.

Anxiety and worry begin in the mind, but you have the tools you need to take control of your thoughts and make them obedient to Christ.

Bad thoughts will always come, and anxiety and worry will arise as long as there is fear in our lives.

If you constantly stay in God’s word by memorizing and meditating, you will have the special verses you need to combat your anxious and worrisome thoughts.

Remember, if you are going to put off anxious thoughts, you need to replace them with truth, more specifically, certain and truthful things.

This mental issue can also take over your life and have you thinking about yourself (selfishly) and things that can go wrong when you have no control over it.

It is not a very grateful and or content way to live as a believer in Christ.

When the questions or thoughts in your head, begin with “what if,” it’s time to take notice and take each thought captive and obedient to Christ.



Bible Verses to Help with Overcoming Anxiety and Worry.


  • Psalms 94:19
  • Luke 12:22
  • Matthew 6:25-34
  • Psalms 34:4
  • Romans 8:38-39
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • Jeremiah 17:7-8
  • Matthew 11:28-30
  • John 14:27
  • Psalm 23.1 (The whole chapter
  • Colossians 3: 15
  • Psalms 55.1 (The whole chapter)
  • 1 Peter 5: 6-8
  • Proverbs 12:25
  • Psalms 56:3


The Bible clearly speaks of this illness. Sometimes, we don’t find answers for many of the things that we suffer from.

But our gracious Heavenly Father knew that this issue would be common to man, and he included it in the manual that he has given us for life.

In the verses mentioned above, the men that God used to write his Word wrote words of encouragement and wisdom to help us when anxiety is great.

Anxiety can be mild, and it can also be severe. In either case, God can deliver you. All he asks is that you believe.


Who suffered from Anxiety and worry in the Bible:




Luke 10:40-42

This special lady was a wonderful friend. A friend that wanted to do her very best for Jesus.

Before Martha asked Jesus about her sister not helping her, she was filled with anxiety and worry.

I have a pretty good idea what she thought about Mary as she prepared refreshments, set the table, and put out the meal.

What would you have been thinking? I can hear her now:

Why am I the only one concerned about prepping and preparing a meal suitable for Jesus? When will Mary come and help me? Surely she can see that I need help.

And on and on, she would go before she worked up the courage to say to Jesus what she did. Jesus was teaching Mary and others seated before him, and all the while, he knew exactly what Martha was saying and thinking in her heart.

When she asked him about Mary, he told her to stop her anxious thoughts and worry and join everyone else.

Instead of focusing on the mundane or things that are only for a short time, spend your time thinking about good things.

The anxiety or anxious thoughts that you experience now don't determine what you will experience in the future.Click To Tweet

Think about Jesus and spend time in his word when your thoughts are too murky. Turn it around like Martha did the second time around and sit at the feet of Jesus.

John 11:21-45- The second time we see Martha in the Bible, she is filled with scriptural wisdom while Mary is silent.

The anxiety or anxious thoughts that you experience now don’t determine what you will experience in the future.

anxiety and worry



Psalms 139:23

This mighty man of God was very accustomed to anxiety and worry. He was known as a man after God’s own heart, yet he was just as human as anyone else.

David battled many trials throughout his life. There were times when Saul’s soldiers were chasing him for days without end. And when he became King, kingdoms wanted to see his nation fail and crumble.

Although he dealt with anxiety, worry, and fear, he knew how to approach God, in Psalms 34:4, he says, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

Fear is a result of distress in your life right now, while anxiety causes distress about the future. He also said in Psalms 94:19, “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”

Our God is one that comforts his children. When you are faced with uncontrollable thoughts about the future, you can rest in his comfort and experience the joy that only he can give.

Psalms 94:19, 'When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.' Click To Tweet



1 Kings 17-19

The prophet Elijah is most know for suffering from depression. However, that is just one of the struggles he faced.

He also suffered from anxiety, unbelief, loneliness, and many more. When anxiety attacks become frequent, if they are allowed to go unchecked, it can lead to health problems steering to depression.

Many times when we have just done something great that brought glory to God, the devil strikes us when we are vulnerable.

After the great victory that Elijah had received, he got word that Jezebel wanted to kill him, and he panicked. Before he descended into desolation, his thoughts were probably all over the place.

Anxiety got a hold of him. It may not be mentioned as plainly in the Bible, but uncontrollable anxiety that causes stress and other health problems can lead to depression.

Elijah descended so deep in despair that he asked God to kill him.

My friend, you have a God who cares, one that is acquainted with everything that you are and what you are facing.

You will battle anxiety and worry, but you can overcome it with the help and power of the Holy Spirit.

Hold on to this verse, “Psalms 16:8- I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.”


How to deal with anxiety and worry as a Christian.


The Bible has much to tell us about anxiety. As a Christian, you have great tools at your disposal for overcoming anxiety and worry.

You can read your Bible, pray, meditate, memorize scriptures, worship, help others, and many more. If you want to break free from anxiety and worry, sign up for my 5-day challenge.

You will receive practical advice, encouragement, and what you need to continue breaking free from future, anxious thoughts long after the 5-day challenge is done.

Click the image and sign up below. This challenge is rooted in God’s Word, which is sufficient for any problem that you face. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Have you figured out what usually triggers your anxiety and or worry? Did you receive one practical solution you can implement to help you whenever they arise in this article?

Leave your answers in the comments. Let’s have a conversation.

Read more about overcoming anxiety and worry on Christianity today.

I love you with the love of Christ.

Keneesha 🙂

Overcoming anxiety and worry with God's Word.

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