My father would tell you if ever he got the chance that I am his most fearful child. I’m shy, introverted, and I’m afraid of lots of things.

I remember the days I would memorize long poems for special occasions at church to forget portions of it because of stage fright. I would sing my heart out in the car, bathroom, or my room only to turn into a dry mouth, barely whimpering mess on the stage.

Other times, when a simple leaf flew through the window would make me afraid to enter the bathroom until someone else checked it out.

Heaven forbid that leaf should move, and I would near have a heart attack. (I kid you not.)

Fear took control of my life. (The understatement of a lifetime.)

Maybe the title of this post caught your attention because you’ve also been wrestling with fear.


Fear can be so decapitating; if we don’t holster it, it can eventually cause us to be imprisoned in our bodies.Click To Tweet


Fear shouldn't stand in the way of your success

To fear or not to fear that is the question…


For God hasn’t given us the spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind.

2 Tim.1:7

The first time I heard this verse, I scoffed because it sounded too good to be true. From the time of my birth, I have been in church, and if you know anything about PK’s (Pastor’s kids), we have heard a lot of messages.

We know lots of Bible verses, but most of us don’t apply them to our lives, and we certainly don’t remember the application.

I scoffed because scripture is easier quoted than done.

On any given day, we make resolutions. Sometimes it could be because we read a post on Instagram, or it could be because we watched a life-changing movie. Perhaps death may have struck close to us, and we are ready to put our lives in order.

But, like no one is ever truly ready for marriage or kids, we have to jump headfirst into every season of life, giving it our best and letting God do the rest.



Will fear ever leave?


Fear will always be there in our lives. First of all, we need to change our lifestyle immediately.

When someone has excess weight or is diagnosed with a terrible disease, you can almost be certain the advice will be to have a lifestyle change. Not just a food change or more exercise, but everything has to be revamped.

This will usually start with a change of mind.

What we have to do is take hold of our fear and use it as fuel.

How in the world do I do that?


Fear shouldn't stand in the way of your success


Whenever God calls us to do something that seems impossible— the only way to find out it’s possible is by trying. You see, it is only in the presence of fear that courage can be found.

It is through our weaknesses that we are made strong in Jesus. 2 Corinthians 12:9-11

God will equip you if he has called you for a specific purpose.

If you are reading this and there is something that God has asked you to do for the longest time that you have been afraid to do- look at the next point.


Step out by faith.


Get up and start walking—one step at a time.


If Peter had remained in the ship and never stepped out by faith, he wouldn't be known as the only other human apart from Jesus to walk on water.Click To Tweet


I’m not just writing this just because it’s true; God is tugging on my heart to step out by faith and finish a degree that I have constantly put off.

A lack of finances has been my go-to excuse, but it’s not good enough because God wants me to step out by faith, believing he will provide.

I recently bought a shirt with the words “Fear over Faith” written on it.

Every time I wear it and someone mentions my shirt’s words to me (because I sometimes forget what I’m wearing), it causes me to refocus and provide me with an opportunity to witness.

As a result of wearing the shirt, I started realizing that when we allow fear to rule our lives, we are actually showing that we don’t have enough faith in God.

Yes, girl, it’s almost like we doubt the finished work on the cross.

You are literally telling God that you don’t trust him.

But you can exercise faith in God by stepping out in faith. Nothing is impossible for God; all it takes is your trust in his power to make a way out of no way.



Fear can cripple our faith in God.


Fear can become an idol; it becomes something tangible, and we hold on to it.

You may think that someone else is better than you in the area that God is asking you to perform in, but how will you know what God can do through you unless you release the idol of fear and step out by faith, believing that God will see you through?

Let’s use fear as a stepping stone toward faith and courage in our Lord.

Don’t let fear cripple you. When God calls you to do something in his kingdom, he will equip you for the job.

Instead of letting fear hold you back, use it to exercise courage by taking every moment and day one step at a time.

Read this article that shows us that fear does not belong in the Christian life from desiring God.

Related Post: Turning fear into faith

Thanks for stopping by,

I love you with the love of Christ. Join me in loving others God’s way.

Keneesha 🙂


Fear and success

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