What’s stopping your miracle? Many times, we ask God to help us. We lament and tell everyone to pray about certain situations that we have to face.

Then, when God demonstrates the method by which our prayer can be answered we refuse to do it. Sometimes, we may think, that’s not good enough for me.

Please tell me I am not alone in this because I’m raising my hand too.

As a single woman, you may want to get married but even when a man is standing right in front of you; somehow, he is not what you wanted.

The guy that pays attention to you, respects you, and is honest is not your type and that is a miracle that you can miss. God answered your prayer but the miracle was stopped.

Or what about the married woman who refuses to make love with her husband on the night God was ready to bless her womb.

Something he did got her upset and now she has missed out on a blessing. There is no way of knowing if that was the time that God was going to have you conceive.

My point in all of this is simple.

There are things that you do to stop or postpone your miracle. In the story of Naaman, there was a huge problem in his life. He was filled with pride.

This sin is one of the seven deadly sins that can be committed. As a matter of fact, this was the sin of Satan. He wanted to be like God and his pride had him and one-third of the angels kicked out of heaven.

Maybe you’re like Naaman today, battling the sin of pride and struggling to submit to God’s answers.

There is a beauty in reading a blog post because no one but you and God know that you are on this web page. If you identify with Naaman and the way that he responded to the instructions given to him by the prophet of God, you can make it right, right now.


Naaman was merely human


What really led to the deferment of Naaman’s miracle was that he forgot who he was. Although he was a leper, he knew his rank and position before the king.

However, he forgot his rank and position before the King of kings. Naaman had won so many battles he felt undefeated and that lead to him being proud, arrogant, and boastful.

What’s interesting is that when we are proud, arrogant, or boastful we don’t realize until it has almost destroyed us.

Sometimes we may notice and ignore the signs, other times we refuse to heed the warning from family and friends that know us well.

Naaman arrived at Elisha’s house and was very disappointed when he was greeted by his servant. The scripture says he got angry when he heard what Elisha wanted him to do.

He went to the prophet with an idea in his head as to what would happen.

Naaman said to the prophet, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy.” (2 Kings 5:11)

Not only did this anger him but when he heard where he had to go to see this miracle performed, he was repulsed. The Jordon River was the murkiest river in comparison to the other two that Naaman mentioned.  All he thought about was himself and how foolish he would look going into the Jordon River. He postponed his miracle by not believing in the method that God chose for him to be cleansed.

Do you approach situations or prayer already expecting something specific to happen? When we do this, we miss out on God’s very best miracle of choice because we are too blinded to see it. Just like Naaman, we can allow pride to get in our way and stop God’s miracle.

10 passages of comfort #scripture #comfort #God'sgotyou

God’s miracle could come in the form of:
  • Adopting a child because you are barren.
  • Having a tiring job that pays
  • Dating someone you’re not attracted to
  • A scholarship to a college that is not an ivy league

There are so many other ways that God can show out and let us know that he hears and answers prayer.

Developing a plan in your head with the method of God’s deliverance will not only bring disappointment; you can miss it completely.

Naaman had wise servants that encouraged him to do what the prophet of God said. And when he did the seventh dip and he came up he was healed.


Related Post: Is anything too hard for God?



It’s now up to you


What’s stopping your miracle?

Has pride taken a hold of your heart?

What are some lies that you believe about answered prayer?

Is Naaman’s situation similar to yours?

What is needed now is your repentance. God touched your heart today and all he requires is for you to make things right with him.

Find scriptures that expose the lies that cause you to think that there are things that are too hard for God.

If this post has ministered to you share it with someone else and leave a comment.



Thanks for stopping by. I love you with the love of Christ.

Keneesha 🙂

Related Post: Your blessings can be delayed.

Find more about Naaman here.

What's stopping your miracle

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