There are so many individuals today in foster care systems that are never adopted. They simply move from house to house never finding what they really want: a family.

Then, the are many who grow up without a mother or father and they didn’t get a chance to have that special bond that they desperately craved.

You also have those who were born into a nuclear family, had both father and mother at home but never felt loved, or wanted.

Whatever the reason, there are so many of us walking around with smiling faces and we are broken on the inside.

We are looking for love, safety, appreciation and we sometimes don’t get it in our earthly family.

Maybe you’re not seeking any of the above because you grew up in a wholesome family where you felt loved and wanted.

Well, adoption of this level can apply to all of us. I don’t think anyone can experience perfect love here on earth from any human no matter how amazing they are.

Jesus is better.

Adoption is the process of claiming someone as your own, giving them everything, and treating them like they are your biological child. Adoption takes away selfishness.

God could have chosen to withhold his son, Jesus and we would all be doomed and bound for hell. But he allowed him to come so that he can adopt all those that are willing to be his.

You have a heavenly father that has called you his own. You are a child of God. He has signed all the papers in Jesus’ blood and sealed them. There is nothing that you or I could ever do that will undo the decision that he made.

When you made the decision to accept Jesus as your Savior, you were given a new name, one that was written in the lamb’s book of life that can never be changed. All of the rights were passed on to you and this is why you will be a joint-heir with Christ Jesus. The adoption is final and you are apart of the family of God.

Whether you have a dad or you don’t, Jesus is your father and he will never fail you.


Insight from God’s word:


Psalms. 68: 5 –

Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.

Ephesians. 1: 5-

he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will

Deuteronomy. 10: 18-

He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the stranger (resident alien, orphan, foreigner) by giving him food and clothing.

Acts. 7: 21-

and when he was exposed, Pharaoh’s daughter adopted him and brought him up as her own son.

You are adopted



Abba Father,

Thank you for not only being my creator but for also being the all-wise and perfect heavenly father that loves unconditionally. I love you, father and I desire to serve you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Check out the other devotions in this special series on identity and who you are in Christ:

You are Beautiful

You are Loved

You are Forgiven

You are Justified

You are Chosen

You are Adopted

You are Unique

This 7-day devotional series is specifically designed for you. We all need community and a part of our need of community is to feel a sense of belonging and to know exactly who we are in Christ. This series is going to help you to see yourself as flawed but beautiful. It will remind you about who you are. Remember, before you can effectively minister to others you need to have the right frame of mind. You are Capable and you are HIS.

You are who God says you are.

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