Every year believers all around the world look forward to celebrating and remembering Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice.

Are you looking forward to Easter this year? Are you ready to offer thanksgiving, to cry, to be joyful, and have your heart overwhelmed by his perfect sacrifice?

At this time, we are facing a challenging virus that has spread rapidly throughout the world. It has shown us just how small the world really is.

However, this is the time that you should take the focus off of yourself and remember the sacrifice of real love that Jesus made on the cross so many years ago.

I want to do a little study on the atoning sacrificial work of Jesus and so I first want you to look at you. Yes, before you can delve into what Jesus did, the worldview that you have should be addressed.

The way that you view the world shows what you believe about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Are you ok, with some sin but opposed to others? How you answer this question determines how you view the debt that Jesus paid.

Every sinful act that we commit, whether we believe it is sinful or not is in direct rebellion to the finished work on the cross. Sometimes we forget who God is. By nature, God is perfect and holy, and he refuses to tolerate or deal with sin.




Why did Jesus die?


When God made Adam, he told him specifically that the day he ate the fruit he was forbidden to eat, he would die. (Genesis.2:15-17)

However, when Adam ate the fruit he didn’t die right away. As a matter of fact, Adam lived to be about 930 years of age before he died. (Ezekiel.18:20)

But notice that man has not continued in long-life as Adam did. The curse was new at the time and it took longer for it to take control of the earth and its inhabitants. Today, however, we see that the enemy (death) can come at any time. It doesn’t matter if you are 0, 10, or 100, death has no respect for who you are, what you have yet to fulfill, or who you’re leaving behind.

Well, why did mankind have to suffer this curse of death? Ever heard of the term, total depravity? This doesn’t just mean that man is no good, it also means that man can never help himself. If all we had to depend on was each other to get to heaven, we wouldn’t get there because we are unable to save ourselves. (Jeremiah.17:9) Since we are unable to save ourselves from our sin-cursed nature there had to be a substitute to take our place.


Is Jesus fully God and Man?


Before Jesus came to earth through Mary he was and is God. Jesus Christ is the second person in the trinity. He is the son of God and he is God. There is no question that he is the embodiment of the deity. When he came to earth, he chose to add to his deity,… humanity. He added humanity so that through his death he would be able to redeem you and me. He is 100% God and 100% man and no one else on earth now, past, or future can ever claim the same.

When Jesus came to the earth, he wasn’t just merely a spiritual being walking around in a human body that experienced no pain.

No, he was fully man and that means he is able to understand exactly what we go through and face as humans. (Galatians.4:4-5)

My phone may be tired of being held in the air for fear of falling but the creator of the phone can’t turn himself into a phone and communicate with the phone to find out what needs to be fixed or set differently.

That’s why there is no limit on our God. Everything that seems impossible is possible with him.

If I had offered up myself to die for the sins of the whole world, my death wouldn’t even be enough to cover my own sins, let alone the rest of the world.

With Jesus being God and not knowing sin, his atoning sacrifice was the exact payment needed to atone for the sins of mankind. He didn’t have to die but he chose to. This is love.


Remembering Jesus Christ atoning sacrifice #easter #crucifixion #Jesus

How did man atone for sin before Jesus’ death?


Before Jesus’ death, the Old Testament saints had to atone for their sin by killing innocent animals and using their blood to compensate for the sins they committed.

I don’t know if you recall this but when Adam sinned, God killed one of the animals in the garden. He did this to atone for Adam and Eve’s sins and to offer them clothing to cover their bodies.

Some scholars think that the animal God chose to use as an atoning sacrifice was one that was dear to Adam and Eve. They believed it hurt them to see what their disobedience caused.

The sacrificing of animals was punishment for disobeying God’s law and ultimately God himself.

Once the sinner brought the sacrifice, the sin for which they were guilty should be transferred to the animal. (Isaiah.53:6) The sinner would then be let off the hook for the time being.

The animal had to be spotless, clean and one that had a connection with the sinner. The sinner has to lay his hands on it as though they were transferring their sin to the sacrifice. (Leviticus.1:3-4) What does this remind you of? Jesus was the spotless lamb without blemish.

Once all the stipulations were met the priest would then accept the offering and It would drift to heaven as a sweet-smelling flavor that was acceptable in God’s sight. It only lasted so long, however, and this is why the perfect lamb (Jesus Christ) had to be slain. Today you and I can stand before God justified because there is no need to offer sacrifices because Jesus has paid it all.



The Crucifixion


You and I were not there. But you’ve probably seen the passion of Christ or you’ve read about the events that lead to Christ being nailed to the cross. His clothing was gambled, he was beaten until his flesh protruded, he was forced to carry his own cross, he was mocked, spat upon, his beard was plucked from his chin and he was forced to wear thorns as a crown. And that was not all.

Tell me, who would endure this type of brutality for someone that they loved?

When someone was a thief or murderer and their death penalty was crucifixion, they didn’t endure all that Jesus endured before being hung to the tree.

They would usually tie them to the cross outside of the city and they would hang there for days slowly dying of dehydration with vultures waiting around for them to die. The sun’s hot heat would always serve as punishment as they suffered alone.


Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice displays His love


Yes, it was excruciating but Jesus suffered much, much more. Did he really have to die or die this way? Honestly, no. There is no reason that Christ had to suffer, God could have forgiven us and accepted us back into fellowship if he wanted to. However, Jesus volunteered to come to earth and suffer death at the hands of the ones he created to show us how much he loves us.

His death was a declaration of love. He chose to be your atoning sacrifice.

Usually, when there is a big display of affection, we feel more loved. How many of us would have taken God’s forgiveness for granted if Jesus didn’t have to die? How many of us take his sacrifice for granted knowing what he suffered?

Christ’s death is a beautiful demonstration of love. This wonderful love is a motivation for us to love him in return and to accept his salvation. You and I were lost and needed saving and God sent Jesus out of concern and love for us.

us. The best part is we don’t owe him anything for the debt that he fulfilled. All he wants is all of us.

Want to learn more about the atoning power of Jesus, read this article.

Grab this resource that will motivate you to display love just like God has commanded us to do.

Are you willing to surrender to Jesus?

If you are holding back a portion of yourself, it’s time to surrender all and let him use you.

I love you with the love of Christ. Keneesha

Have a wonderful intimate easter celebration while remembering Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice.

Remembering Jesus Christ atoning sacrifice #easter #crucifixion #forgiveness

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