Hi sis, let me just take this moment to tell you, you are beautiful. Now, look around you. Whether you are at home, driving to work, or on vacation look at the women around you.

Other than the everyday women, you see, you also see billboards, movies, magazines, etc. that simply screams out to you, “You are not pretty enough.”

However, God has said to you, that you’re fearfully and wonderfully made. One way that you can know for sure that you are beautiful is by realizing that you were created, fashioned, formed, and shaped in the image of God.

When you look at the area in which you live, whether you experience the four seasons or you live in the Caribbean as I do there is one thing every location has in common.

We all have beauty in every place on earth. It is found in snowcapped mountains, in the flow of a gorgeous river, in the beauty of thick foliage of a forest, in the roar of an angry ocean during a storm, or the dead heat of summer when everything is sticky but the plants are green and the flowers are blooming.

God created such a beautiful planet, the animals, and you. When he was finished, he said that everything he had created was awesome. It was good.

NO, it was very good.

So, who are you to doubt the beauty that is yours? God knew exactly what he was doing when he made you with your knocked knees or your split teeth or black or white. Whatever the flaw that makes you take a second glance in the mirror before you leave your room, your father planned it all.

He knew that your husband and family would cherish your freckles or love watching your dimpled smile.

Often times we allow society to tell us who is beautiful and who is not. Nevertheless, beauty always starts from the inside out. It radiates out of a beautiful heart. Therefore, what you can do to ensure that your beauty radiates from within is to allow the spirit to cultivate the fruit into your life. (Galatians.5: 22-23)

We should strive to:

  • Be loving
  • Be kind
  • Be gentle
  • Be patient
  • Be self-controlled
  • Be faithful
  • Be joyful
  • Be peaceful
  • Be good


You are who God says you are


Once you have allowed the Holy Spirit to cultivate and impart the fruit into your life you will be radiant. This will take place because you would now share God’s divine attributes. Everyone will see how beautiful you are because the Holy Spirit’s presence will be on your life. And who doesn’t want that?

God himself has called you beautiful and he does not lie. Remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not everyone on the planet will look at you and think, “Wow, you’re beautiful.” However, God does. Since he has given us, our beautiful bodies let us do our best to take care of his temple.

Doubt might arise in your head when you look in the mirror and you do not like what you see but God does and that’s all that matters.


Insight from God’s word:



I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.


So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:31a

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.

I Corinthians. 3:16

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?



Dear Jesus,

Help me to remember who I am in you. Thank you for designing me just the way I am. Help me to serve you in sincerity and never forget that I am beautiful from the inside out. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Check out the other devotions in this special series on identity and who you are in Christ:

You are Beautiful

You are Loved

You are Forgiven

You are Justified

You are Chosen

You are Adopted

You are Unique

This 7-day devotional series is specifically designed for you. We all need community and a part of our need of community is to feel a sense of belonging and to know exactly who we are in Christ. This series is going to help you to see yourself as flawed but beautiful. It will remind you about who you are. Remember, before you can effectively minister to others you need to have the right frame of mind. You are Capable and you are HIS.

Related Post: Is modesty still relevant?


You are who God says you are.

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